Breedia Dog Forum
Aw brilliant :D
Regardless of the why's and wherefores - congratulations :grin: x
It depends on your vet to be honest, the Glasgow lab fees for the actual test were around £25 last time I checked, but it depends how much your vet...
No the titre test literally tests the level of the antibodies in the blood. Dogs do not always need to be vaccinated every year. I do it (titre...
Just to point out that if a puppy 'passes' it's titre test like Joedee is saying then it's antibodies are high enough to go out without great risk...
We have one GSD Esme. We got her at approx 12 weeks old. She has wandered about on walks with the other dogs since then. To start with up until...
Wow Esme must be a big girl she's 38kg and just turned a year last month. We're not worried though as there isn't a scrap of fat on her. She is...
Wow lovely pictures everyone, here's one of Esme now ten months old (i'm not quite sure how that happened!!!)... [IMG] H x
I would presume the same reasons why anyone else has multiple dogs of the same breed - because the dog is right for them :-)
I also forgot to add Oliver 110 BC's 19 BCx [IMG]
Without getting into the rest of it, I have Felix an Astra Ghost son, and couldn't be more pleased with him. His temprement is second to non and had...
I've never heard of them, though that said most gundog breeds labs/goldies/spaniels have the paler colours don't they x
Absolutely love the working labs, you guys are giving my lab-pangs :lol:
fantastic pics! they're looking good x
My boy Felix is from Astra Ghost and I have no complaints about him x