Breedia Dog Forum
We get ours from Swellpets for roughly the same deal...
Ours have Arden Grange Lamb and Rice and since they went on it about 18 months ago, Robbie's poos have been firmer and Lady doesn't seem to do as...
This is Lady's info and this is Robbie's...
Ours walked 44 miles in a week when we went to Berwick a while ago. Three of the walks were 9 miles along beaches and they coped fine. Had a nice...
Does Phil have white flecks all over him? Lady looks like she has been splashed with white paint.
Think this is why there are soooooo many black greyhounds around!
Think this is why there is sooooo many black greyhounds around!
Our two are related to Nancy also, Top Honcho, Head Honcho's son, was Lady's dad and Nancy's Granddad and all three are related through Head Honcho....
Head Honcho is Lady's great granddad and Robbie's great great granddad. Lady's racing name is Crown Spark and Robbie's is Reagan's Best.
We don't walk our two much in this weather, they get a short 10 min walk in the morning and then only go out later when the sun has gone down. They...
I echo this!
what about Babe because she is one!
Hi We give Robson and Lady Burgess Supadog Retired Greyhound food and sometimes Robson refuses to eat his breakfast. If I mix a small tin of...