Breedia Dog Forum
Sounds like my Blue Lacys aside from #6. They have a lot of drive! Like most gun dogs but sure enough hog dogs too :) so the aggression is there....
I like this breed hunted behind a few before. Edit: If I wasn't showing the dog or going to breed it I could care less ridge or no ridge if it...
Jack Russel Terriers can be a pain in the butt!!!! Love em though.
Sounds like she has a good nose on her! That's good you're giving the dog an outlet for all of that energy and drive that they contain within the...
Never heard of that breed before interesting it runs boars as well. Looks beautiful and I bet as intelligent as you'll get out.
I'm familiar with the dogs that person spoke of from being in the community. There are two registries for the Lacy dog the NLDA & TLGDA I don't try...
[IMG] This is a book my breeder wrote and to my knowledge is the only book about the breed. If anybody is to consider aquiring Lacy dog should...
This breed isn't for your every day pet owner and would likely destroy your home with out a daily job to do or hunt. They are a serious working breed...
Shelby, Huck, Roush - Huck is fully grown and half brother to Roush. [IMG] Shelby & Roush - Half siblings [IMG] Roush [IMG]
Mine are still both under 2 years old so bodies aren't fully mature but I'll post them up. Check out this webpage she takes some amazing photos...
Maybe I'm the only one around here with this type of breed :P I always get the "is that a weim mix" or "silver lab" comment although I live in Texas...
Just curious, have you had to use your insurance? I'm asking because I haven't run into any problems where I need insurance but I do now how to...
I've never got dog insurance.... Just put a little back each paycheck for my dogs it's called "insurance" lol.
I love myself some Cats and Cur dogs..... Work and see them on a daily here in Texas. They are starting to be bred more for the bay pen competition...
Just joined this forum and was curious if anybody is familiar with the breed or owns one of these dogs. I have two of them that I use for tracking...