Breedia Dog Forum
I can see what they mean on the younger picture. I'd say it's the colouring, some lines of presa have white blaze on chest, and white paws/socks....
I know, she's quite a big girl. I dont think she will get much taller, just fill out. Presa's grow very slowly, dont finish till about 2 1/2-3yrs old.
Hi hades, you got any pics of him?
Hi Darren, heres my 2 presa's, the fawn 1 is called jonza, he's 5years old. he's about 24-25 inch to withers. Weighs about 115lbs. i got him from...
Hiya dardar, i own 2 presa's and have owned 2 Johnson AB's in the past. I love both breeds. Presa's tend to be a bit more aloof than AB's, and most...
He looks well Azz, he's filling out nicely. Whats his temp like now?
He's about 28" at the withers, weighs about 120 lbs now. Think he's still got some more weight to put on yet mate
cheers mate, look forward to seein some new pics of him
Hi Azz, hows things? How is Rocky, love to see some new pics of him mate. Took these of Jonza this mornin, [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] chat soon, john