Breedia Dog Forum
ive recently trained a viszla for a couple, and i must say he was a dream to train, very motivated and eager. Lovely dog. However, no one seems...
i dont think theres any reason to believe that staffies and the like wont be added to the list, im pretty sure alot of the european countries have...
do u have the link? i cant find it :(
i fear we are fighting a losing battle :( it really saddens me to see these news reports about dog attacks, its the last thing we needed, and two in...
indie loves water. but she jumps in and jumps straight back out. it sends her into a mad half hour run around,lol. apparently staffies and other...
i guess it varies between dogs but was under the impression they stop growing upwards at about 10 months and then they fill out between 12 months and...
Indie [IMG]
the most embarrassing indie has done to me is running towards someones dogs like a lunatic, ok completely out of control, but so was the other owners...
i dont think staffies have different colour noses. I think its only apbts. If anyones advertising them then they r probs pits i guess? or pit...
Sash :D 5 month old rescue [IMG] [IMG]
i hate to disagree with u all, but i actually prefer the bully head. Not to the extremes, like it should be in balance with the body. I prefer the...
hi weight watcher, after reading lots of info supplied by the members who prefer this type, ive said i dont think shes necessarily underfed. To the...
sorry id also like to say there has been some good info brought forward by tusker i think? which has helped myself understand what u mean by the dog...