Breedia Dog Forum
No I don't see GD either sorry :)
You really don't want to get me started on this poor dog. It breaks my heart.
In the past few years at least, it would seem that Great Danes have higher statistics of being taller. I don't know many male GD's under 35 inches,...
:evil: Looks like a "danoodle" I saw online once. We won't get into what I think of THAT mix.:|
I'm not even going to touch this one. I got into it a while back with a friend of mine who's in a group for people who own these dogs. It took all of...
Yes I know lol but when you live with a dog who's as big as Luke, it's hard to see other dogs that you used to find huge, as large lol Case in...
After living with Luke, all dogs seem small to me now lol. I guess large to ME would be an English mastiff, an Irish Wolfhound.
Welcome! What a doll! The DDB is my second breed of choice after Great Danes. I look forward to seeing more pictures of him as he grows. :)
When it comes to a GD, how long you are away from the dog is going to matter a great deal.;-) You probably don't want to go with a dane then....
Sounds more like separation anxiety to me if she's being that destructive and it's not an excess energy thing...
It could be normal adolescence...or it could very well be that she's not being mentally and physically stimulated enough. I would consider getting a...
I don't think would typically find a shortening of the snout if crossed with a mastiff not one that got longer. The jaw length and width...
These are a few weeks old..I haven't been down to Mom's to get any new pics lately...a lot going on. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] At 8 weeks...
I haven't found a lot of them to be aggressive, however I do notice that their play style sets off a lot of dogs. Luke doesn't like rough and tumble,...