Breedia Dog Forum
They're all gorgeous! I'm a sighthound girl and enjoyed looking at your pictures - feel free to post more....please! :D
Did the op ever decide?
Lovely chilled boy :)
'Parti-coloured' miniature Schnauzers are getting popular as well as 'tea cup' miniature Schnauzers...a lot don't look anything like the original...
I agree. It's a reason I wouldn't get a dog like that and I think a LOT of people don't realise how much brushing/shedding is involved. I have put...
Some absolutely gorgeous dogs! Collies are pretty anyway and their crosses are certainly that too :D
I've just caught up on all your adventures first choosing a breed and then finding a puppy and her settling in - so great to read about a good...
Thanks, we'll need it! Yeah, there are so many out there, I'd love to have more, we'll have to see how things play out. Sounds like you made a...
I second the advice for a rescue Greyhound :) They do enjoy a walk (of varying lengths) but mostly enjoy sleeping :D Don't need loads of stimulation...
Was that to me? I can't have another sadly. We are expecting our first baby in December and so I don't think it's the right time to add to our canine...
Love the lolling tongue on the first lying on the bed shot! :D I'm not surprised you fell in love, they can be very charming! At fundraisers I do...
Exciting news! Can't wait to hear about the new addition and see pictures :D
Not had the baby yet, so will let you know! ;)
If she met some Greyhounds or Lurchers perhaps she would be able to see past the 'skinny' look they have. A staffie also sounds like a winner :)
I think if you're parents are up for having the puppy for the majority of the day then that's a possible plan - however there's a good chance they'll...