Breedia Dog Forum
yestersay we took the family to the kelmarsh show, did any of you go?? this was the first time that our plummer terrier (biddy) would have been...
i would just like to add a big thank you to all those you have signed, lets hope it will make a differance.
there are only few working dogs on there rest are as what i would call them cosmetic dogs? i work my dogs and for there safety they should be...
some dock for cosmetic reasons, where as most working breeds that are docked are done for the safey of the dog. here are 3 example's why dogs...
thank you so much to all of you that have signed, its nice to know that the support is out there. thanks again, and lets keep sigining.
lets try and do something abouts this. please sign it. add your name...
no yours isnt a weirdo, my staffie was lovely too, never shown any addression to people or dogs, she was soft as anything.
ok here's my first [img-big][/img-big]...