Breedia Dog Forum
I am most certainly not saying that you or anyone else should take the slightest notice of what I write. I am merely putting forward MY own veiws on...
Is there Terrier there? The Staffordshire bull terrier, how much terrier if any, is present in our dogs. This question engages my mind every so...
I have seen pups returned to breeders, "at maturity" because in one form or other they have shown traits, "well defined for anyone who takes the time...
Your Grandfather is 100% correct it was in the early 30s that a group first approached The Kennel Club with a veiw to having their dogs/bitches...
If you had taken the time to read what I had written, you would have noticed the word invented was placed in "Inverted comma's" my way of questioning...
What I am saying is: "There is NO documented proof of crossing between Bulldogs&Terriers in the production of the present day Staffordshire bull...
With respect there is no such as breed as English Bull Terrier.It is Bull Terier.
The simplest answer to your question is that the name Bulldog was already taken, as was the name Bull Terrier, "by the dogs "invented" byJames Hinks....
I have numerous friends, "whom I imagine look through similiar eyes to your own Azz" they are THEIR eyes not mine, but when the Volcano erupts which...
Thank you for furnishing the debate with the above info. There was NO such a breed as The Staffordshire bull terrier until it's recognition by The KC...
With respect Azz I see perfectly clearly. What you wish is that I see through your eyes, never going to happen I'm afraid. I see what IS there not...
At this point 23years ago my first Stafford "Megs Fearless Warrior" would have been 7 months old. I loved him then and I still love him now, his...
A canine wrecking machine, sanitize his virtues and you loose the truth. The Bulldog of old was either completely insane, or the most couragous of...
The prey drive in a Greyhound is stronger, "in most" than is the drive to fight, "Do you believe they are muzzled to stop them mouthing a dummy hare...
You obviously have not had much contact with Greyhounds Azz, "Why do you think they wear muzzles?" it is a case of those who know and those who...