Breedia Dog Forum
Thanks & keep trying with the Hubby ;)
hi Kirsty 'He' is just the bomb !! love him!!! Hi Layla hope your Rave is well on the road to recovery/... not on here so much since the birt of...
Raven is nearly 12 months old now & is a joy to have around excellent in the house - no issues with toilet training or chewing etc.. I am very lucky...
Thanks :) I have made a video of him doing some Clicker training.. he's a clever wee beastie! MgQigHXitYQ :-)
We got him form a breeder in leicester. I've seen the vids of them backing sheep & of Puppies herding.. So much instint its mind blowing :shock:
Yeah very strong herding but no more so than my Border collie was at that age. He is very handsome I have to agree with you. he always puts a serious...
Heres my boy, 18 weeks now. [IMG] [IMG] :) Love him.
HA HA yes people think they are hard work! He's an angel really!! I thought it was Unisex tbh :) no doubt it will morrph into something else like...
* He has been compared to a Jack Russel, I suppose its the eye brows, but most of my friends knew I wanted a Kelpie so know what he is.
here's my New addition. Raven [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] ten weeks old today :)
Ok Here goes, Rodeisian Ridgeback X Aussie Sheperd with a bit of golden retriever and whippet!
My Len has a course curly coat on top & has done since puppy, He had a Cryptorchid & I was told this contributed to the curly coat, not sure how true...
Isn't it Mick Martin in the music video with the dogs?
My dad & siblings always had RC's growing up, very original names like Laddie & lassie LOL. but I haven't seen one for years outside of crufts. If...
Ahh that would be brill! I'd love to do whole weekends but not easy with kids & work & I'm not set up for camping. Be nice to meet you & your...