Breedia Dog Forum
I don't own a GSD but on the introducing new baby to dog front I think the breeds probably dont differ that much. Our dog used to sleep in the...
Lovely pic so sorry to hear of her fits, but very glad she hasnt had another one for awhile hope it continues that way! X
Lovely pics they are both gorgeous! Dont forget to post a thread with some pics in your pictures too you will probably get more replies there!
Ah I think I understand beter now thankyou!
I am lucky to own a gundog who is ment to have a full tail so am not in any way effected by the ban, over all I am infavour of the ban, but may have...
OMG how awful I really feel for your friend I hope the vey finds out what happened so they at least have some answers!
Well put! My sisters staffy is dog aggresive he has accepted a staffy pup and is so much happier and loves her to bits, I cant take loki to my...
What happens if god forbid something happened to you and god forbid you wernt around anymore to control your dogs, do you have people who are happy...
As I said before I understand some of the point you are trying to make, take my dog for example he is a water dog and therefore loves water it can be...
Thats how all breeds were made we took the traits we wanted to use and bred them into the dog and bred out the traits we didnt want!! Staffies were...
I kind of see the point your trying to make but dont agree with it at all, dogs are pack animals all dogs ancestors lived in packs, dog agression was...
I am sorry to hear of your loss! Wellcome to Dogsey I hope we can be a comfort to you at this dificult time!
They are just gorgeous! And growing so fast! :grin: