Breedia Dog Forum
I've got a cocker and a springer...does that count? The only difference is I have to feed two instead of one, the effect is the same!
because he is a hairy hooligan!
I wonder why people don't just get a poodle then if they want a dog which doesn't shed...they come in 3 sizes many colours and the coat can be long...
Does a poodle shed?
I know someone with a young beagle and she crate trained her from the beginning and Millie stays quite happily in this at home for up to four hours....
I met what was called by the owner as a Golden Doodle which she said was a cross between a poodle and a Golden Retriever. It looked a bit like a big...
Whatever he is he looks adorable.
Looking forward to seeing more pics. So exciting for you. Good Luck!
Aww what a're bound to be disappointed though. Still now that the idea has been planted you may see another one that would suit. It wasn't...
If it goes ahead and the two dogs seem to get on OK, remember that there may be a few teething problems in the first week or so as they settle in...
In that last one she really is smiling isn't she? I love the Bagpuss one too.
Aww he's growing up lovely!! Nice to hear from you again, it's been a while.
Yes definitely a WSS...looks like a youngster to me!
What an adorable picture of Zak with the snow on his nose!
OOh he's blushing now!!