Breedia Dog Forum
Thank you :). Ran my LILAC tri (perhaps the only trialing lilac tri in the UK lol) today but ran out of time in the shed. Not due to her colour but...
The main reason there are less merles working sheep is that there are less merles full stop. You need a merle to breed a merle ie one parent has...
Hi caroline, I know you didn't see it but pressumably others did.
A little irrelevant since Ghost is my dog and Felix was bred by someone else entirely. Ghost is not related to the epileptic bitch belle is...
lol what a lovely dog. Looks rather familiar ;-) Laura
lol I think more white on back than front is far rarer than tipless tails. - I've got a few more photos of...
Yes I've seen several. :-) I've only seen one which has more white on it's back feet than it's front and I am always on the look out for another...
Basically they have started buying German bred GSDs because the UK ones are (Policemen's opinion not mine, I haven't got one!) bred too much for...
Interesting little interview with the Police regarding German GSDs compared to English GSDs. It was on Radio 2 (Chris Evans) tonight at about 6:15...
Hi Mini, I don't think it's the coat so much as they are often clipped along with the sheep. I will probably have to clip mine in the future - my...