Breedia Dog Forum
I put Daisy outside alone for about 10-15 minutes at a time to get her used to the door being closed so she doesn't freak out, and can actually play...
She's been having a very hard time being outside alone. She's destroyed my back door with frantic shredding. Ugh it's so exhausting.
The vet and a trainer from the rescue recommended her taking the melatonin. I'm in Canada and we just get it pretty much anywhere. It's really helped...
Uodate: Daisy has started taking well now to the melatonin. It doesn't knock her which is of course not what I wanted, it's helped her to stop the...
I have sent videos to the rescue of what happens when I open the door to come home etc. And they told me she apparently wasn't like this when she was...
I don't have a house large enough for another companion. I haven't seen my poor cats I'm terrified they've run away on me. I feel like I've let them...
I've tried the crate beside my bed, crate with a blanket over it, treats and toys and my shirt in it, everything. The rescue had 9 dogs living with...
I got her from a rescue, she was at the puppy mill for her whole life. She's just over a year old. The rescues had her for about 2 weeks and then I...
Also, thank you to everyone that has replied. I super appreciate all the input.
I think my little Daisy doesn't know what to do by herself. She clearly has always been surrounded by other dogs and now living a life of solitude...
She was vet checked by the rescue before I adopted her, the vet thinks because she's been in a cage her lifetime that she could have some emotional...
Sorry that meant to say assertive and *not aggressive.
Hi! :D I've had her a couple of weeks so far, I'm giving her the house to explore and get used to all the sights and sounds of the place. The only...
It's been a hellish day and night. She's non stop barking and whining, like whining so hard in a panic voice that she's losing her breath almost to...
Thank you for this! I'm trying to get her as comfortable with people as possible. She's still using the same threatening bark with everything and I'm...