Breedia Dog Forum
I have two standard Wire Haired and they are adorable. I was told they were stubborn and never let them off lead but honestly mine are a dream. One...
Wire haired Daxies are notoriously **** at obedience, and are so stubborn. Also being hounds, once a scent is found Hector will be off and won't come...
Yep lol:grin:
She is coming from a lady in Devon. I have done a fair amount of reasearch on them. But my main concern is, everything I read says never let them...
She's a PBGV
Am looking to get this breed next month and looking for some first hand experience please.
But do they enjoy running through puddles, getting muddy etc. I just cant imagine a ittle Chi doing that lol.
Yeah, when ever you see Chi's they are always either dressed up or under someones arm. 8)
This is something i often wonder about, esp when i am walking my two. Do Chihuahua do "normal" dog things, like.....when off lead in the woods...
Or you could ask for their vet to do a home visit and you be present? Or accompany her to their vets?
^^^^ that is asking for trouble.