Breedia Dog Forum
I don't believe the law is fit for purpose and would much prefer to see crackdowns and tougher sentences for cases of animal cruelty and cases where...
Great pics you found Muttzrule, would be good to see your photos if you find them!
What's the 1%?!
Beautiful pics Sundance
Anyone got pics too? :-D
Thanks DD - it would be interesting and informative to see average COI by breed (assuming this isn't already done?)
Absolutely, fairly shocking reading - out of interest what average COI would you expect from the cresties for comparison?
Hi Dobermann - I too was interested in sibes, they're still my no. 1 on looks alone, but I was put off owning one at least at this point in time by...
Hi there - mine does not have 100% recall under distraction (other dogs) but she is improving - if we walk away in the other direction she will...
Real shame the direction this thread has taken... @Dawn - you're right, there's absolutely no reason why a non-tested x-breed would necessarily be...
Interesting question - according to some of the people we see round about my lovely GSD x NI hasn't yet become a dog ;-D
Thanks for your reply, I couldn't remember seeing dogs on beaches (and they are generally massively overdeveloped and commercialised unfortunately) -...
They are really lovely looking dogs and I'm glad that things worked out for Shilah. OT but are the Italians fairly relaxed about dogs on...
Hi - am following thread with interest - any pics showing the different types?
The most important thing is making sure the puppies are going into decent homes where they will be loved and cared for. Unfortunately this type of...