Breedia Dog Forum
Sam is as strong as an ox at the moment. His only 'issue' is he's completely deaf but that isn't a real problem for us, we just have to be a bit more...
Maggie is very pretty :007:
There is just under 4 years between my two so quite a big gap. I got Oscar at a year and he is now coming up for 5 and Sam came home at 8 weeks, he's...
I agree whilst I love the girls and will probably have one next, the boys do have that special something that gets under your skin :-)
Yes not been a problem for us so far. Oscar can be a grump occasionally when Sam takes it too far but other than that they are partners in crime. I...
Here's a few of my boys for you :-) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I can always spot a boxer a mile off. A lot of people thought Sam was an american bulldog when he was a young pup; I think because he is white....
Gorgeous :007: