Breedia Dog Forum
I’ve been working with Raw for Life and he seems to be doing really well on it. Research tells me that it’s a good complete diet but I still add...
Thanks GsdSlave! I will check them out for sure! That’s the only setback with buying an already “put together” raw is that ultimately I have to take...
That’s awesome, thank you! I feed him 2lbs a day! A lb in the morning and another lb in the evening..seems like a lot but it’s what I’m supposed to...
[ATTACH] This is Lincoln, he’s 6 months old
I must say Peregs meal looks amazing!! I can get the raw frozen but I buy it fresh and in bulk and just bag it down when I get home. You might be the...
Awesome, I’m glad to connect with you! I don’t know anyone who feeds a raw diet, even the vets here aren’t supportive..which is crazy considering the...
Hi there! I buy an all in one. Chicken and beef mix. Raw for Life I believe it’s called.
Hi all, so I’ve always fed raw and have found it to be pretty superior when compared to kibble. I started my pup on raw at my first opportunity! It’s...
Thank you! I will certainly research the Canicross more as well! I’ve never run an official race with my pup but would love to eventually once he’s...
Ok thank you! I will keep him strictly to lawn zoomies for at least a year :) Thank you for your feedback!
Hey there, I am training as a runner and would really like to be able to take my Airedale with me (I always ran with my Parsons Russel). I have heard...