Breedia Dog Forum
My China has full pricked ears and i think she's gorgeous! It really doesnt matter
basset hound x god knows what!????
For my own safety, I am not scared of any particular breed as ANY dog can be aggressive. I love GSDs our next door neighbour when i was a student...
I agree for all of the above! Plus to me its like saying that because one black man commits a crime, all black men are criminals, because one...
ahh i found it when clicking Todays post rather than new posts....thought it was just my pc!
haha! she looks a stunningly cute, gorgeous little staffy pup! And sod the rest of them...My staff is very lean and long legged, her ears dont...
She did have a garden...but it was down a flight of metal stairs into the back yard. so she couldnt just run out the door to pee! It was an older...
Hi jadey, Im from preston too! We got our staffy rescue from RSPCA on Longridge Road in Ribbleton. At the time we lived in a flat near moor...
oh god china does it all the time....we nickname her Marge (from simpsons) due to the grunts she makes! its soo cute!
as a staffy owner, when people try to advise me on what to do with my dog i ask myself a couple of questions..... 1) are they a trained...
Hi Gee and welcome! With cross breeds you can get all the health defects of either or both parents and yes this can occur in pure breed dogs,...
awww thanks!!! she has muttered a thank you from her furry blanket by the radiator! xx
Asleep in the sun! [IMG] Enjoying the TV [IMG] Enjoying a darn good back scratch! [IMG] Not enjoying me tapping away on the laptop! [IMG]...
i cant help you with information - but i have met a couplle of HWV and they are stunning gentle sensitive dogs. wew were very close to getting one...