Breedia Dog Forum
Must say I'm surprised at that result of 100% husky. In fact sufficiently so to doubt the veracity of the test. But there you go. Hopefully this...
Looks very mal like.
That took a needlessly combatative turn. For what it's worth the heterochromatic blue in the eye suggests a husky on the bloodline somewhere but...
Hi, Bit curious about the potential reasons our 2 yr old Malamute has just all of a sudden stopped taking treats from my 4 yr old daughter. She...
some of the things i learned in the early days: I made the mistake of assuming that vigorous exercise was required from day 1....not so....we...
Much the same things happened when we first got Everest minus the chewing paw part. Changed the food and hey presto. Solved. Vet said it was less...
very hard to tell from angle of picture but if, as it appears in pics, the cream coloured ones have blue eyes then No, they would not appear to be...
From my experience thus far and from reading around the breed: Everest is generally a very calm and playful dog but is extremely food possessive, we...
I was absolutely stunned about the sleep thing, not just the volume, but the behaviour change also, made her much calmer. It was tough at first, we...
Bit of a resurrection here but i wouldnt mind a wee update on this situation.
time outs were the way forward for us...more effective if you could leave the room rather than have to remove them.usually 2-3 minutes was fine. We...
i dont know how they would be enforced, maybe just a cultural thing. I also noted that in certain countries only particular breeds can be housed...
amazing the differences in countries.... I have never seen nor even heard of dog nappies until less than a year ago but it seems to be a common...
i have read that washing dogs so frequently strips the oil from the coat (particularly the waterproof double ones like mals) and can promote dry...