Where did you first hear about NI's? General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Razcox, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Where did you first hear about NI's?

    Here is a question for everyone where did you fist hear/read/see an NI?

    Was it this forum? A dog show ect?

    I first stumbled across them in a rather odd and convoluted way. So here goes . . .

    I had just started my new job at Epson and wanted a new mouse mat as the current one was a boring corprate thing (my office space is covered in photos and other bits and bobs, i am a firm believer in making an office more personal, after all i spend 8 hours a day there!). I was looking on ebay for one with a Husky on and saw this lovely looking dog which was listed as a husky. Now i knew it wasn't a husky but i liked the pic and brought it anyway! :-o. After i left feed back i saw the mouse mat now listed as Northern Inuit not Husky. Well i had never heard of this breed before and being esp bored that day i googled it. I came across the yahoo forum, joined right away and the rest is history! That was 2 years ago and i now have my little girl . . .:mrgreen:
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  3. lotsforus

    lotsforus New Member

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    My freind got one as soon as I saw him I wanyted one too. A year later I got my beautiful boy.
  4. Kristina

    Kristina New Member

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    I was searching the internet for a suitable dog for my nan to adopt. My searches included 'good with kids and good with other dogs'. I came across them and looked into them more and totally fell in love with them! Then i went and got one hehe x

    P.s did find suitable dogs for nan but she ended up going for a staffy x lab rascal!
  5. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    I first got to hear about them and see pics on this forum, I have not seen one in the flesh yet.
  6. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    OK next question where did you get your NI from? If this was from a breeder what drew you to them and how did you find out about them?
  7. exanthematcus

    exanthematcus New Member

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    i was looking at getting another dog and had a few breeds in mind. at first i was going to get another gsd, but i was considering a samoyed. when i was researching sammy's i came across NI's and i was hooked. i did a huge amount of research into the breed and decided they were for me. i contacted tracey at honiahaka and went on a waiting list for my beautiful xero
  8. Kristina

    Kristina New Member

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    I originally wanted to rehome an older dog not a puppy. I came across a site that had NI's and they also did rescue work for other breeds. They had what i will call an 'NI cross' for rehoming - one of their pups that had come back. I enquired about it to the breeder and also on the NI forum. As soon as i said on the forum what i was looking at doing Julie gave me info about the cross. When i asked the breeder if it was true she went ballistic and was very rude and all of a sudden i was not 'suitable' to rehome the dog! Well needless to say i didnt want to after that! So i asked Julie if she had or knew of any dogs or pups that were suitable for us. She said Sue had some that she co-bred and there might be one suitable there. So we got in touch with Sue and the rest is history! Shortly after i got Vienna i said when the time is right i'd like a boy inuit. I went back to Sue after finding out she had 2 boys left from her first ireland born litter out of 2 of her dogs who i met and liked when i got vienna. And so Quinn arrived lol x
  9. I-mac77

    I-mac77 New Member

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    I first heard about the NI's in Dog World last year, when they had an article about the breed!
  10. Reisu

    Reisu New Member

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    The lady who managed the rescue I used to volunteer at had one. He was a beautiful dog, I think he got sick and died recently though :-(
  11. dsmem3429


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    I first heard about them when the OH was trawling the net looking for a breed he liked, he wanted a dog that looked like a wolf and was looking at Saarloos, CWD etc, but not exactly a pet dog.
    Then heard about Utes and NI's.
    Contacted a few breeders of NI's, can't remember who they are now lol, then he saw one in the paper.
    I only knew he was looking when I got the call that we were going to meet Inca as Mum and I were bringing Tonto back from his breeder:roll: . Two pups arrived in our house on the same day!:shock:

    Anyway, she was 5months old and we love her. We tried to contact her breeder without success, she is now breeding her own type of 'inuits' after being banned by the NIS.

    If I was after another NI I now have a lot of NIS friends to go to (I love Traceys gang.... and Sutty's.... and Julie's....)
  12. exanthematcus

    exanthematcus New Member

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    i'm on the lookout for another pup at the end of the year/start of next year. i'll definetly be getting another NIS puppy as they are superb. the essex show kind of got me thinking about another one, and after careful thought i would like another. i'm moving to a larger house with a larger garden too which i think helped the decision
  13. dsmem3429


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    NI's are always better with another dog, hence another reason we have little Tonto as jrts are one of the few small breeds that can cope with a geat big heffalump of playfulness that is the NI.
  14. exanthematcus

    exanthematcus New Member

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    i thought labs were good as boisterous play but ours gets fed up of xero sometimes lol. although it could be age difference. xero is almost 14 months so she's still really silly and harvey (lab) is almost 6

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