What sex is best? Questions

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by Molly2606, Apr 1, 2006.

  1. Molly2606

    Molly2606 New Member

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    What sex is best?

    We've loved having molly and this summer we were hoping to have another which would be better a dog or another bitch? lots of people have gave me their thoughts i thought i'd ask the people who know best.
    any advise about having another is welcome.

    Kelly & molly
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  3. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    I would go for a dog this time :) male/female seems to be the best and has worked out really well for us.
  4. Kicks

    Kicks New Member

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    What sex is best? ANY especially if nigel harman could be involved :twisted:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: sorry couldnt resist :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I'd say male/female (one of each) is the best bet, they certainly seem to get along easier :D:D:D

    H xx
  5. Molly2606

    Molly2606 New Member

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    ok thanks we were thinking of a male but were unsure.

    carole how are your two cheeky monkeys?
  6. bagoratz

    bagoratz New Member

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    I would say male/female although, as with most other doggie subjects, there are plenty of exceptions to the rule!!
  7. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Definitely male/female senario is best :grin: Always had bitches together before, but since having a male/female situation, things just couldn't be any better :grin:
  8. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Reckon either all males or one of each.
  9. RobK

    RobK New Member

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    I have to ask. Who is Nigel Harman anyway?
  10. lou3

    lou3 New Member

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    one male and one female is the combination that works best most of the time. There are exceptions though. Groups of girls are usually less volatile than groups of boys - until you get that one evil so and so that decides she doesnt want other females in "her space".
  11. Petstalk

    Petstalk New Member

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    I have always had girls because this is my own preference and I would say that girls are often ok in accepting a new edition.

    There are a few things to think about befor desiding to add a female or male to the family

    I feel one improtant aspect to look at when thinking of adding a paw to the family, is the personality of the dog/dogs you already have and what would complement them.

    The first exsperences of meeting one another set the foundations for the relationtionship that is developed with one another too.

    From going to dog training and meeting many breeds/sexes of dogs. I found that the boys have tended to more effected by hormones than the girls.

    There is the question of desexing if you are not intending to have puppies too.

    I would think about the sex of dogs that you have previously had too.

    Hope that this helps.

    Min and Paws xxxx
  12. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    As I have said before I much prefer males but a lot will depend on the number, the breed, and if you intend keeping the animals intact or neutered. If intact and you want more than one I think the safest bet is male or if female a good age gap between them and an elder one who is a strong character. If you are aiming at a collection of pets, some of which you are prepared to neuter then providing you get the timing right it probably makes no difference.
  13. Petstalk

    Petstalk New Member

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    I agree Jackie.

    "providing you get the timing right it probably makes no difference"

    The most important thing is if there is a sex that is prefered and that you choose personalities carefully to complement oneanother and intoroduce them positivly eveything should hopefully go well.

    Min and Paws xxx
  14. Foxy


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    He's that ugly geezer in Eastenders :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (better run for cover now :lol: :lol: )

    Yes I think a dog would be best if you have a bitch already. It can work out with bitches sometimes although we had two toy poodle bitches that had an age gap of about 5 months between them and the older one used to fight the other one all the time so we had to rehome her at the end :-( :-( She got a fabulous home with an old lady that run the post office and she used to go on her holidays to a caravan quite frequently so she got a good home and the lady adored her and she was happier being the only dog. :grin:
  15. Kristina

    Kristina New Member

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    I have one of each sex and fine they get on great. My boy is not really very dominant but i couldnt bear to think of him being dominated by another male in his own home so i got a bitch. lol She beats him up. But im sure he much prefers to be under the paw to a bitch then a dog :lol: I would say go for one of each.

    Alternatively my nan always had female dogs and they all got on great. They never used to fight. I dont think they really even used to play fight. Not like my two! People who dont know them think they are trying to kill each other :shock: especially when you can only hear the noise cos you cant see over the garden fence :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Good luck whatever you choose and dont forget we must see pics straight away! ;-)
  16. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    The males are never dominant, that (as with people) is the job of the female. That is why if you do have big trouble it is almost always between females and they do not stop (as do the males) with a squabble they never forget and they are out to maim or kill.
  17. ste.n.steph

    ste.n.steph New Member

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    Stephy and Steve
    i have always been told never to get more than one male cos they fight, but i have never had any trouble with my lads, i have 4 lads.
    people say not the have too many girls cos they fight in my case *not saying its the same for everyone* but i have 3 girls and have never ever had a crossed word between them, the boys play fight with pullies and other toys but the girls dont bother.
    Its nice to have a boy and a girl tho cos with my lot they pair off apart from my rottie he prefers to be on his own or with me and ste.
    So really its up to you what you would prefer.
    Take care
  18. crazycockers

    crazycockers New Member

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    We've got 6 girls, they get on fine, we don't get fights, just a few grumbles around season time. My girls are great, but I think dogs are more loving than bitches.
  19. Molly2606

    Molly2606 New Member

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    Thanks everyone i knew you were the right people to ask :grin: :grin:
  20. Trixy


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    I love Dogs :) but at present I have only Bitches :) it is left to your own preference I think :)
  21. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

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    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson
    LOLOLOLOL! Seen that happen with groups of women, too :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    My two tinks are male (half-brothers) and they get on fine (an occasional squabble, but no more than that) - and no chance of accidental incestuous puppies :shock:


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