Had to share this as to the little girl that has got over 200,000 signatures in a week to stop using dog for lab testing. Hope you can open the link to read it. If not it’s on ITV news animal rights
Yes I know, but the more people are aware, the more affective it will be and the more signatures they get the more they will have to listen to do something about it.
This is organisation called, The Camp Beagle, which most of the UK Beagle breeders support. There have been a couple of previous petitions which have reached the 100,000 figure necessary for the government to consider. In the last Parliament we had the chance to witness the debate on-line at the committee stage, but the published results have always consisted of the same stereotypical comments. This time, maybe because young Isabelle's letters, this petition has really caught the attention, so I hope it prompts more of our MP's to really look into the distressing fate of thousands of factory-farmed Beagle puppies each year. Also this week there was the High Court hearing in which MBR applied to have The Camp Beagle's 3-year roadside protest camp removed. However, Judge Nicklin has ruled in favour of The Camp Beagle, so the camp continues - with the benefit of even greater publicity. The Camp Beagle can be found on the usual social media, where there is a frequent update for followers. There is also a splinter group which is just called Camp Beagle, which mounts a monitoring protest when the Labcorp animal testing site in Huntingdon receives a consignment, (not just Beagles - they use cats, farm stock and primates too). Their group also disseminates information about the origin of the animals, (monkeys are usually caught wild), and about NAM's - scientific methods which do not rely on the use of animals. Sorry folks you have just landed on one of my hobby-horses.
In this day and age there is no need for experimentation on any animals for the purpose of human health, there is enough people out there that could take on this torturous task that is taking up tax payers money and oxygen that do not deserve to be here. Sorry my own opinion here.
The majority of Beagles are used for toxicity testing, and we know that because an animal tolerates a product, it isn't always safe for humans. Thalidomide was safe when given to Beagles! I won't go into details but toxicity tests are both brutal and, (because of export regulations and the like), they have to be repeated over and over again. Pointless when they know what the results will be! In 100 years of protest, how many little lives have been created just to be used as an experiment, and then discarded in a yellow contaminated waste bag?
I remember when my daughter passed her test for driving and applied for a job looking after animals, mainly dogs, she found out she got the job but never did take it up as she found out what it was for and it was for testing, she was horrified that they didn’t even tell her when she applied for it. In fact she was disgusted over it.
Always remember to support cruelty free products. The test that really opened my eyes years ago was the LD50 test. It was used a lot in cosmetics. I remember reading about one such test used for lipstick. They took 100 rabbits and locked them into devices so they could force feed them tubes of lipsticks repeatedly. When 50 of the rabbits died, they declared that number of tubes as somehow important for humans to know. It was just all so ridiculous. And the worst part is that they repeated this test for every shade of lipstick they produced. Fortunately, it has mostly been done away with. Also, regularly check that your favorite products remain cruelty free. Companies are bought out frequently and what was once a cruelty free product can quietly become an animal testing product. Aussie hair care products is one such product - the founding company was cruelty-free, but they sold the brand to Proctor & Gamble who uses animal testing. There is no guarantee in such cases that the new company will remain cruelty free.