Hi this is my first post. We have 3 weimaraners. Our silver boy Jack has a pink undertone to his skin. He has been itching ,shaking head to point his ear tip bleed severely, and numerous ear infections. Been on apoquel, no help. Went to new vet. Was admitted in hospital for 9 days. His blood vessels in ears are the size of ball point pen. Had allergy panel and he's allergic to nearly everything. Started him on prescription Hills Z/d dog food and nothing else. In the last 3 weeks we have spent about $3000 at vet. He's on prednisone 3 pills twice a day. Gabepentin, trazadone, enrofloxin baytril ear drops, benadryl 4 pills twice a day, and just started pentoxifylline yesterday. He has recently developed crusted skin rash and it showed staph and was treated with antibiotics. I need advice. My poor man is miserable. Does anyone have suggestions.
We had a zoom consult with dermatologist. We live in small town and there are no actual dermatologist for animals around our area. The dermatologist agreed with vet that his allergies were causing all his issues , including rash and ears. We went to our old vet constantly and he never offered allergy testing. So we kept causing our dog to be miserable.