Victorian bulldogs info please General Chat

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by samandwil, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. samandwil

    samandwil New Member

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    Victorian bulldogs info please

    hi! New to this does anybody out there know anything about Mollet Victorian Bulldogs. Thanks.
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  3. John Healy

    John Healy New Member

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    Hi there

    Any true Victorian Bulldog will be traceable back to molletts botswain and will either be vba or vbf registered.

    Unfortunaley too many back yard breeders are passing any old thing of as vb's for a few hundred quid, putting 30 years of hard work gone into the breed out the window.

    Youd be amazed at the ammount of people on a daily basis asking to get their dogs registered are because they never came with papers and have to be told their not a vb.

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