Vet "concerned she is very lean" what do you think? Health

Discussion in 'Terrier Forum' started by Lawa, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. Lawa

    Lawa New Member

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    Vet "concerned she is very lean" what do you think?

    Hi all I am new (Waves) I would like some advice on maisey (we think she is a JRT?) she is 10/11 months old and has recently been spayed and had 2 extra baby teeth removed.

    The vet said she was concerned as she is very lean?

    Now she is walked about 2-3 miles daily (more at the weekend) Plays kill the bear at home constantly. Is a happy well behaved (finally) little dog. When she wants to sleep she is left alone.

    She is not a big eater and is given her meals over 4 feeding slots.

    What is you honest opinion on her and her weight?

    Sorry bout the poor pics but a wriggly jack russel is not the easiest of dogs to et to stay still lol!

    We had her at 6 months as she was used as a kids toy never let of her lead so yapped constantly and had no manners :(




    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2009
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  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

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    She sure does look like a Jack! She's absolutely stunning! I dont think she's too lean, and a dog wont starve herself, if she's not finishing her meals, then she's not hungry. and in my opinion, a thin dog is healthier than a chubby one!
  4. Lawa

    Lawa New Member

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    Thank you!

    Our vet made me feel like I was being cruel to her!

    She is finally behaving herself most of the time at the mo lol
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

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    I had trouble fattening up my too lean boy too, tho he will eat as much as I give him, but I didn't want him to gain too much too fast. and he also has digestive problems, so i have to be careful. I finally have him where I want him, he's still lean, but not excessively so. He's a terrier too. My sister's Westie pup (10 months) is also thin as is my Dachshund. I'm slightly obsessed with the weight of my dogs LOL. If you're worried, you could feed her more protein that does help. my boy is now on a high protein food, and has bulked up, muscle wise, and added a bit of fat, (very little)


    you can see his body condition very well in this pic, taken a week ago, tho his head's cut off.

    Honestly, vets are so used to seeing chubby dogs a fit dog looks skinny, your pup is probably just fine! she is a high energy pup, and now that she's spayed, she'll prob. put on a bit of weight.
  6. jesterjenn

    jesterjenn New Member

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    To me, I would say she looks fine :) She is very beautiful by the way :D
  7. whippetrus

    whippetrus New Member

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    She looks very much a Jack. I feel that she looks about right weight wise. I wouldn't worry at all. I am sure you would know yourselves if she is underweight.
  8. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    tbh I would expect a dog of her age to be lean. That's normal and healthy. If she's full of energy then she's not lacking in anything! She looks fine to me.
  9. Lawa

    Lawa New Member

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    Thanks all put my mind at rest she is a happy little terror who is currently hiding chews under the curtains :roll:

    I was slightly panicked at the vets saying she was lean.

    I wil lty her on adult food as she probably only has two weeks of pupy food left so I will start mixing some adult bits in!

    She loves chicken wings anway so glad I am doing the right things with her :D
  10. BenjiesMum

    BenjiesMum New Member

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    If her ribs are covered she is not too thin. I would put her on Adult food at her age though.
    A very pretty JR :grin:

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