Phoebe is being a right diva. Phoebe knows a few words. All the usual sit, down ect. But she picked up tea time and gets very excited when you say it to the point i used it as our new recall word on walks as it gets her back in seconds with no hesitation. Its now becoming a issue as she to smart so now even the word tea or time sets her off running to kitchen and banging her bowl around even if shes only just had her breakfast or tea. We have to be carefull about what we say now as once shes heard it shes off and if she doesnt get fed she turns into a right madam banging her bowl, head butting the food drum, slamming the kitchen door. Ive now got a problem. I dont want to keep feeding her when she kicks off for many reasons - over feeding, turning her in a spoilt bitch, shes learning that kicking off gets her, her own way. When this happens im not giving her a full feed i chuck about 10 bits of kibble in her bowl to "shut her up" but this has made the problem worse. I also cant afford to have her kicking off, i live in a small rented house shes already damaged the kitchen door with this slamming it thing and has half chewed a window sill in protest of something or other ive also had a recent complaint from the old hag next door about phoebe barking (this is our first complaint in almost 3 years here) if it carrys on i know she will go to my landlord and complain as we dont get on after the parking space wars (she doesnt even have a car her daughter parks half in my space when visiting as shes so stupid she cant bay park so i end up having to block her in bla bla bla its pathetic really) what do i do?? if it was a daily thing ild leave her to it as i know a few days she would cotton on that shes not getting her own way but its kind of random she do it one day then not do it again for a few days
She has probably been taking lessons from Pereg - I mean who knows what they get up to on the computer when we are in bed?
That's what happens when you try to out-smart a smart dog Katy Seriously tho, I think you need to start using a different word for your recall and keeping tea-time for tea. Teaching recall is surprisingly easy. Check out this Dogsey article - I updated it recently so it's current. The bit the helped me most was the 'Secret Weapon' part, it really does work!
The worst words for Pereg are "do you want..." usually followed by "to go out for a pee". Unfortunately as soon as she hears "do you want..." she promptly sits with her right front leg held up and across her chest in her "please Mommy" position, because she thinks "do you want..." is going to be followed by "dindins". And no, I did not teach her that. Little booger.
recalls not a problem as shes hardly ever off lead now as she really hurt her shoulder last year running about thinking shes still a puppy. had to do a month of lead walks only soon as we let her off she hurt her shoulder and this carried on and on in same cycle so as she refuses to slow down and wants to run round like a mad hatter ive gone to a 10 meter flexi lead for in field and her normal ones to get to and from the field. But the greedy diva dog is a problem. im not even saying tea time any more im saying dinner in the hope she will stop associating it with food as its hard to never use tea or time in conversation as no matter what she picks it up even when she looks like shes a sleep.
Time out her by going to where she is banging food dish take it off her without talking or making eye contact, then take her by collar/harness & walk her out of kitchen to quiet room leave her in there for couple mins on her own, then allow her back into the room your in again without talking or making eye contact with her, she soon realise that kind of behaviour is not accepted.
Or... change the word for tea time to something you don't normally use. She'll soon disassociate the old word - especially when it doesn't result in a reward
i live in a 2 up 2 down with no garden. i dont have a time out room any more unless i go shut her in the car but she'd only get excited then thinking we were going somewhere nice. Just going to have to send her to her living room bed and do silent treatment. Ive bought a door wedge today she tried to slam the door before and was very unhappy when it didnt move so sulked of to her bed. Not sure what she was having a paddy over though she just went in kitchen and tried to shut door on us. Im all about dogs with personality but sometimes i think phoebe has to much
Dogs have long memories though, I used to say dinner to Phoenix when she was a pup and fed 4 times a day. Didn't say it for ages she's now 18 months so it's been a while. I said Dinner to her yesterday and she stared at me intently and trembled with excitement just as she did as a pup, never mind she'd just been fed
You could break the cycle, pick the bowl up when she's been fed and put it in the sink. She can't bang it in excitement if she can't find it.
well today has been paddy free so far. fed her at 6 and now bowl has gone away. im off out on girls night so hubby has his instructions to ignore her if she starts (he wont as when it comes to phoebe hes a soft as they come sadly i dont get the same treatment when i want new shoes no matter how many doors i slam) already know he will be sharing the pork chops ive prepared for him and she get some of his carrots.
The men always have a soft spot for the bitch dogs, I've found. My brother ADORES my Jade, but really is so/so with Nigredo (the male). I'm no expert on recall, my Lab mix dogs tend to kinda... get it on their own, so I can't really tell anybody how to do it. I can't train Jade any recall, she just ignores me :/