Toys for greyhounds!

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by grommit, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. grommit

    grommit New Member

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    Toys for greyhounds!

    We are just in the process of adopting 2 gorgeous rescue greyhounds. I am completely new to dog owning and just wondered if any greyhound owners could point me in the direction of good toys for them. I'd like to be able to leave them something they will enjoy for when we are at work. After spending hours in local pet shops completely confused at the huge array of toys i thought it best to ask somebody who knows! :grin:
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  3. CLMG

    CLMG New Member

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    Only time will tell what toys your dogs will like or dislike, if you want something to leave them when you are out, how about trying a kong and stuffing it, it will keep them occupied for ages getting the treats out, Jack has a big box of toys that he plays with occasionaly, the one thing he plays with everyday (all day :roll: ) is a tennis ball :lol: I would imagine with greyhounds that soft toys would be out, but I may well be wrong on that, you will probably end up spending a small fortune on different toys, and find the cheapest, plainest toy their favourite :lol:
  4. spot

    spot New Member

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    They possibly wont play with much to start with but some will like soft toys just be prepared to pick up lots of stuffing!

    My old girl likes the rope things sometimes, the young one actually likes a tennis ball, depends on the dogs really.

    Have pm'd you too
  5. tova

    tova New Member

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    Well done you for adopting not only one but two greys!:grin:
    I have had three greyhounds over the years, grey number three, Alice, is still with us!
    What you may find when you first bring them home is that they have no idea what a toy is for. This is because their formative years never gave them access to them ( you may also find that the same is true for regular dog treats and things like Bonios ) my first two looked at all of these things with a blank expression on their faces! However persevere and you'll get there.
    I've found that greys are fine with soft toys, mine never ripped the stuffing out of them - they just like shaking the life out of them and running around with them. However until you know for sure be careful just in case. I think a fleece "Wubba" would be great- these are basically two tennis balls wrapped tightly in a fleecy material with fleecy "legs" for shaking at the end.
    Mine have all enjoyed stuffed "kongs" once they understood what to do with them. Try just smearing the inside of them with something yummy to start with so they get the idea.
    You can then try filling them with all sorts of things slowly adding things that are a bit more difficult to extract.
    One more thing, greyhounds can sometimes find carrying balls quite difficult due to their long narrow jaws. Also although they may enjoy chasing a toy thrown for them don't count on them to bring it back to you! They're most likely to chase it, grab it and then do several high speed laps of the garden with it before dropping it. They then either expect you to come and get it and throw it again or they take themselves off to bed for a well earned snooze!:lol:
  6. spot

    spot New Member

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    Excellent post
  7. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    :lol: :lol: You have just summed up Mo with her ball, although she will carry it a fair way (she is only half Greyhound!) she does leave it for others to fetch and she does just take herslf off to bed.
    She will only play with soft toys but never destroys them. Teddies etc the grandkids give her, the first thing she does is take their eyes out! We have numerous blind teddies lying around:lol: :lol:
    I really enjoyed reading your post as I love all hounds, particularly Greyhounds.
  8. tova

    tova New Member

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    Thanks Spot and Nippy for your pats on the back!:grin:
  9. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    This is my first time on the website, just registered! We have 2 rescued greyhounds and am always keen to chat to other greyhound lovers! So pleased to hear you have adopted 2 greyhounds, you won't regret it. With regards to toys, one of ours doesn't play with toys at all even though we have encouraged her to play, she just looks back at us like we are mad! The other dog will play but only when he's encouraged to do so. He likes soft toys and hasn't pulled any apart as yet. If anything they like to cuddle up with a soft toy which is really cute. Kongs are good but our two haven't really got the idea and have no patience with them. Saying that they are not destructive in anyway apart from the old bit of paper and the odd bag of rubbish!
    Hope this helps...
  10. grommit

    grommit New Member

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    Lovely to talk to a greyhound owner! Sorry it took me so long to reply, with 2 hounds, 4 guinea pigs, a hamster, 3 fish and a full time job i dont seem to get much time on the internet these days!
    We experimented with toys a week ago and it has'nt gone brilliantly i must admit!
    They seemed confused as to what do with a rope toy and a rubber chew thing and basically ignored them. When we let them off in the field at the kennels Phil found a discarded squeky toy and wouldnt give leave it alone!
    We decided to get him one but found that he couldnt care less about the one we bought! not as good as the one he found :-(
    Also Phil is rather a greedy boy and doesnt do sharing so we have to give them toys when they are apart from each other! Paris likes to play, pouncing on the squeaky toy but only if phil is'nt around!
    I was looking into kongs but it sounds like your 2 are not too impressed with them either!
    How old are your greyhounds? how long have you had them?
    Clare xx
  11. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    Sounds like you have a house full of animals!! Indi is female and is 6 years old, Wizard is male and is 7 years old. We got indi first about 3 years ago and then wizard about 6 months after that. They are addictive 2 are definately better than 1 and i'd have more if it were practical and we were rich!!
    As you will be finding out they are such a gentle, beautiful breed. I find that our female is independant and a bit "snooty" at times and can appear aloof whereas Wizard really wears his heart on his paw as it were! he's a real mummy's boy and loves stokes and attention. I wouldn't swap them for the world! Let me know how you get on as their personalities develop and they really get their feet under the table!!

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