Tikva went walkabout at the Pension General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tikva went walkabout at the Pension

    I wanted a few things for her, also to have a look around, so telephoned my driver and he convinced Tikva to go into the carry bag so he could put it it into his car.

    And when we got there we let her out and she did run run around, coming back to me every few seconds, just to make sure I had not left her..

    It was good for her to be out and get to learn the Pension store - good for me to be able to have a look to see what they had and do a bit of a stock-up, but oh was she noisy!

    I did not spoil her - much. Only bought her another two new toys...

    ...well why not?
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Yeah little Tikva went walkies & was super good that her mummy brought her a couple of toys :D
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    She sounds like Merry, who - now she has her feet well under the table - thinks that a repeated Arrooo! is going to get her everything she wants. I'm trying the, Ignore, 'You get nothing until you wait quietly', method at the moment, but boy am I having to be patient! Kennel mentality or spoilt brat? I'm not quite sure, but I never realised what a good Beagle Eddie was!
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I was really pleased with Tikva, who is not used to going in a car. Actually she does not like the great outdoors but if that is her only problem...

    ...The Carry bag is perfect for David to carry out to his taxi and a seatbelt holds it and her safely, although it is big enough for her to move around in. I just do not have the strength to carry her but she is great with David and of course he can carry her in the bag!

    I really only wanted puppy pee pads, which they would have delivered, but thought maybe I should get a few extra emergency things - and I just wanted to go out and for Tikki to know that the store at the Pension was safe to have a walkabout.

    Oh, and today's gift was a 500ml bottle of special puppy liquid bath soap. Am I arguing?

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