So being a Border Terrier, she requires hand stripping and has this done twice a year. Our usual one has moved and so I found, what read as a fully trained groomer who did hand stripping. When she finished, she said to me Rosie had a couple of little nips/bites at her but was fine overall. Now Rosie has never bitten another dog or us in her life (now 9 years old) and then I saw that she'd literally pulled out all her whiskers and hair around her muzzle!! We all know how a Border should look afterwards with short coat but tidy head but what this groomer has done is, in my mind, horrific. Rosie is down to the skin around her mouth, it must have been agony. Very upset and guilty I put her through that. Some groomers just cannot be trusted.
How dreadful. Poor little girl. Is there anyone that you can report this groomer to. (Trade association, Local Authority licensing or similar).
Poor little Rosie. As been said, is there anywhere you can report the groomer to, but that will not help your little girl. I do hope she feels better soon.
Oh bless her, that must have been so painful for her. I clip Rosie rather than stripping. I can do it myself rather than relying on groomers. To be fair, she's a blue and tan and she never developed the really wiry hair so she would have been impossible to strip anyway. The groomer you have been to, obviously knows nothing about Border terriers
I had a bad experience at a groomers as well. My dog has "special" double rear dewclaws. They grow like hooks and you cannot clip them but so much. The nail dude didn't know how to clip them and he clipped one down short like regular claws. It hurt my dog and it badly bled all over the place. He STILL is scared of nail clippers to this day and he never was before that incident. They offered me a free Dremel since they messed up, but my dog of course had already been damaged. Not all "professionals" are actually professionals. Some have no clue about atypical dogs.
Hmm, and now you say it doesn’t take much to permanently damage a dog. In response to a comment you made in another thread...
Wow, that soinds as if it was a big shock to you I don’t actually know much about ‘ grooming ‘ but, I can understand you are upset, to put it mildly Have you any intentions to report them ?
I said it takes monumental incompetence to be unable to raise a well mannered dog. I stand by my statement 100%. It has nothing to do with this thread. What are you even talking about? And why drag a different thread here just to try and have a go at me? Are you serious? I won't be replying to you anymore. It will just further hijack this thread. Good day.