Things you think are 'wrong' with wolfy type crosses/new 'breeds'? Discussions

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by Alphatest, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Things you think are 'wrong' with wolfy type crosses/new 'breeds'?

    Maybe if we have one thread that lets everyone get what they want of their chest we can move forward with this section and prevent other threads from forking or going off topic all the time.

    Please no flaming! And only post things you know to be true - not hearsay or gossip! Everyone else is of course free to correct you if they feel you are wrong.
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  3. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    I am disgusted that this breed was started with untested mongrels of unknown origin (fact). No matter how you look at it its completely irresponsible. Why not use the best quality GSD, Husky & Mal that you can find?
  4. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Because NO good breeder of these dogs will allow their dogs to be used in that way!

    Edited to add...

    I just don't see the NEED for them??

    There is too much secrecy, not enough decent record keeping, too many breeders not health testing or just disregarding the results..breeding dogs with known problems in the lines

    I could be here all day
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2008
  5. janie

    janie New Member

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    I feel the same way as Liz... there has been too may lies surrounding the breed and sadly/naively many of these lies were believed.. in regards, to health, temperament, imminent KC recognition.

    Many of the breeders believed what they were told was true too. So i don`t lay the blame for the past at their door.. I blame the person(s) who created the breed in the first place.. and fed everyone the crap regarding it.

    In fact in 20 years we are no further forward... a bunch of mongrels with no known ancestry and unknown genetic defects ... to now, a bunch of mongrels with no known ancestry and unknown genetic defects. Not a great leap forward in my book and i feel very bitter that i was taken in by it all.
  6. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    This seems to be yet another pop at the breed. Why the negative title?

    Wouldn't it be far more constructive to ask Things to improve the breed going forward?
  7. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Hi Efes
    I think that the op had hoped all personal truthful opinions would be posted in THIS thread leaving the others for their intended purpose/title & a place to put heresay. I'm sure we would all like to see a thread on improving the breed & going forward (you could start one)
  8. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    The frustrating thing about most of these threads is that people persist in posting things that they've been told by someone who was told .....

    There was one thread on here that actually lasted quite a while before it degenerated into yet another slanging match. That one asked everyone to put on what breed they had and any health problems. I seem to remember it got to about 50 dogs with only about 1% reporting any health problems. It was then hijacked by the same old crew with things that they had heard, which therefore proved they were right, and all the other people were wrong.

    I'm not saying that there aren't any problems, just are they as a big a problem as some seem to want them to be.

    The other thing is I'd bet my mortgage that no-one can name a breed that has no hereditary health issues, yet no other breeds seem to cause as much vitriol from posters.
  9. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    And another thing, probably more directed at Azz. Is it not possible to have a forum/thread that is just for owners/breeders of the wolfy dogs? At least that would stop non-owners sticking their two-penneth in. As an example Louise13 saying she doesn't see the point in them. It's not really very helpful, I could say the same about a number of breeds.
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    You are correct, however no breed has been made up in the way the NI has, with unknown parentage and no health testing (as stated by JK in an earlier thread) Its only in recent years and now many people are sick of ill and dying dogs that they are trying to rectify it. The Plummer Terrier is a new breed, however every single animal is catalogued and every mating, litter and puppy is known, this is why this breed is healthy and has SURVIVED!
  11. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Yes its called the NIS forum!:mrgreen:
  12. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    Mmmm, it seems to me that on this forum most of the posters shouting about dogs dying are from non-owners of those breeds?

    BTW who is this JK that keeps getting mentioned?
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    JK is Julie Kelham, one of the founders of the breed, MAhlek affix, and holder of 2 animal cruelty convictions.

    Thing is Effes, some people care about dogs whatever type they are, if they see wrong they say so, others choose to look but dont see, and thats what we have all these problems with the dogs, shame really.
  14. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    I think (because of my job) I end up seeing more of the bad stuff...

    Having been to someone with a Dog-dog aggressive NI dog and a nervous bitch....the sole purpose of her having these dogs was to breed from them :(

    We had a young Ute come into the rescue centre, lots of health problems and behaviour problems - I have also met her litter sister who has big problems sheep chasing and learnt that 3 pups in the litter had heart murrmers.

    Not great experience....they are not dogs for me but I can understand why people want them - I do hope the problems within the breed can be sorted.
  15. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    Ah, thanks, that makes a few other posts make more sense.

    Efes please :)

    I take your point, and I know from previous posts where you're coming from. It's just that just once it would be nice to have a discussion with other wolfy breed owners without being swamped by "your breed of dog is pointless" / "dying in their thousands" / "shouldn't be allowed to breed" ad infinitum.
  16. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I'm not sure this is just about NIs/Utes/BIs etc. Azz said "wolfy type crosses/new 'breeds'. So I've read it that it is about all new breeds or crosses designed to be new breeds.

    I might be wrong ... :lol:
  17. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    Ahh, you might be right. I read it as wolfy type crosses and/or new breeds.

    BUT I bet there isn't a post that goes on here that isn't about wolfy types :grin:
  18. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Efes it is!! :blush:

    You will find that I dont participate in ANY NI thread unless the lies start spilling out, then I do! :evil:
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    An excerpt from an OWNER of a Mahlek bred NI.

  20. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Maybe I could have worded this better..

    The first line..I don't see the NEED for them was referrring to ANY new breed.. there is plenty dogs out there that fulfil pretty much every NEED

    the next line about the secrecy was about the NI etc

    Am I being picked on here:lol: Can I throw my toys from the pram??

    I really don't care what you think Efes123.. I will post what I have an ignore facility..please use it..
  21. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    When I was last in the vets, there was a Springer Spaniel going through exactly that. Unfortunately the outcome was the same, and the poor owner ( a young girl) was in a terrible state. I could tell you lots of stories that are similar, even one from one of my dogs. He started having fits, and eventually had to be pts. But the significant part of that was that he was actually 19 years old, that bit of information makes a great difference to the story. Far too many times on here only snippets of information taken out of context are used to prove a point.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not disputing that there might be problems, just that I don't think there is enough evidence to prove that it is as big as some might believe.

    Unless there is a study with significant numbers in the research, then any result is meaningless. I think the thread that was on here with over 50 dogs reported showed the exact opposite of what you're saying. But then 50 isn't a very big number as a representative of the breed(s).

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