The Terrier Twitch Questions

Discussion in 'Terrier Forum' started by CloClo, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. CloClo

    CloClo New Member

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    The Terrier Twitch

    Why do terriers always seem to shake? I've heard that this is some kind of inherited sydrome, but I'm not sure.

    My old terrier mutt (no other way to describe her - irresponsible breeder selling 'JRTs) Alice did it since she was a couple of years old, and her sister Suzi developed it in later years. Now Tee-J (a BT X PJRT, aged nearly 3) is beginning to do it too. It's no where near as bad as Alice, as he only does it when sitting down.
    Alice was so bad that it used to wake her up, and people thought she was terrifed on walks, or very cold.
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