Following on Janet's thread I thought this article might be of interest. They are here...
Georgina and Gwylim are fed a "home cooked" diet and pumpkin, usually butternut, is one thing I always add to their veggies. I swear by butternut for keeping them "regular" and it's very rarely either of them have an upset tummy. I'm actually quite proud of my pooches perfect poo!
That was one of the articles in my inbox this morning and I thought it rather apt after the discussion on your thread, Janet.
I have never seen canned pumpkin Vee - I buy large chunks of it, cube, blanch and open freeze before packing it in bags, just taking out as much as I want at a time.
@GsdSlave Canned pumpkin seems to be a popular ingredient in the US, but I have been unable to source it in GB. As it is highly recommended for Eddie's bowel condition, can I please ask where you have been able to get it from?
Aldis sell it in the special buy section but they don’t stock this all year round, I usually get mine from Amazon, libby Most supermarkets stock it. x