Split from Rottweiler thread/ advice wanted. General Chat

Discussion in 'Rottweiler' started by heidi05, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. heidi05

    heidi05 New Member

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    Split from Rottweiler thread/ advice wanted.

    hi your babies are beautiful i have a male and a female kia the female was 2 on valentines day this year and dylan my male will be 2 in april, kia at the moment is in season her 4th but refuses to let my male anywhere near her although he is driving us mad panting and crying to get near her we have had to crate kia and keep my male behind a saftey gate in the kitchen so they are well away from each other, her last season was the same although she did eventually stand he missed and she got it all up her back bless them. i have been reading this site and talking about a tie during mating, this is the first time we have had a male and female of our own dad used to all the breeding of great danes not my cup of tea but dylan is a monster in size. the vets say we can have an injection for kia to calm dylan down but is too late by the time she has stopped bleeding and we totally missed the dead line as we were away and they were in kennels. can you give me any advice regarding this thanks flo.
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  3. rottalmarotts

    rottalmarotts New Member

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    Do you need to breed a litter? Do both dogs have the necessary health checks done? In the current climate whole litters are ending up in rescue as sales of puppies of most breeds are very slow. Do you have the facilities to keep the puppies that don't sell without putting more pressure on the rescues.

    Personally unless you can answer yes to these questions it is a blessing that the mating did not take place.

    If the motive is money then it is a double blessing the mating has failed.
  4. rottalmarotts

    rottalmarotts New Member

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    So the first time you tried to mate this poor bitch she was under 2, no reputable breeder would ever consider this. You either need guidance as to the appropriate care of your bitch or it is simply that you do not care about her well being and just see her as a money making machine. If that is the case Shame on you
  5. Chunky

    Chunky New Member

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    I agree 100%
  6. Shona


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    well said.
  7. Chicco

    Chicco New Member

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    Heidi05 -- I don't often post on this site as a bit too busy elsewhere --- and that is usually picking up the pieces for rescue rotties with the mess that is out there.

    Please please please would you seriously consider what you are doing when breeding rotties.

    Try visiting out site at www.rottweilerrescuetrust.co.uk and look at the amount of dogs we have been asked to take on. We are over 200 this year alone. There are just not enough good homes out there for all the pups being born.

    If you are seriously considering this then apart from all that has been already said here - then please make sure that you have a waiting list of good homes and that you take back any dog at any time in the future should it need to be rehomed, because rescue can't cope.

    We had 8 dogs offered in one day of which 7 were under one year old, and the 8th had just sired a litter of rottieXstaffies that were now going to be looking for homes.

    This is all apart from the problems we see in health and conformation owing to bad breeding.

    Need I go on.

    I hope that this will at least get you to look at the reality of the situation in this country, and if you really care for the little lives you will be creating then hopefully you will think again.
  8. rottiedad

    rottiedad New Member

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    we bred nearly 3 years ago and with the climate being as is its not easy to rehome and vet all homes out plus we lived with the litter for 5weeks its hard work and we only bred as we wanted to keep 2 off the litter and we kept 4 in te end then last year we had one back as they had got board of here we kept her untill we had a bad pack fight and then rehomed her again and its harder the second time. as a breeder you have to have the room to take any back or if you cant find homes have the room and time for trainin a whole litter, trust me keep 4 from a litter was hard doing trainin as its 1 at a time their all 3 in aug this year and still learning its years to train and understand their needs and having the money to feed them good food vet bills washing grooming the list is long and so is all the needs but most of all is their socialising a bad owner could have i time bomb on their hands ive seen what they can do and so as most that google but when you see thing in person and how stong they are and parting them its hard in 20 years ive had the one pack fight and would addvise any1 its not a nice sight or thought, any1 thinking they can control more than 1 rottie when out you cant it take the 1 aggressive dog to start on 1 of yours and the rest will join in when we walk our 5 togther theirs always 1 per dog unless were on our land its better safe than sorry a bitch will fight to the end and what we all dont want is more things in papers and more in rescue any1 breeding look over the net and look at how many thats in rescue even people who show and breed arnt as much now as their litters wont sell a rottie is a great dog in the right hands in the wrong hands its a killer sorry for babbling
  9. Brundog

    Brundog New Member

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    just wanted to say, that my hubby had a rottie as a family dog, and I was very allergic to her, i think actually because her coat was quite oily she gave me a really bad skin reaction every time I petted her, So I knew we could probably never have a rottie even though i adore them.

    However in saying that this was before i got bruno ( staffie) and since having him my allergies are practically non existent and i can put up with many different dogs now. I firmly believe that you can get through the allergy thing if you persevere.

    My son ( 2) is also allergic with bruno if he licks his skin, but again I am hoping that he will just build up resistance to him...
  10. heidi05

    heidi05 New Member

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    i thank you all for your replys and have taken on board what you have said, her last season and all those previous we have kept both apart, she has a crate that she sleeps in and my male was segregated to the kitchen behind a saftey gate as to not isolate him form the family. we love our dogs dearly and would never put either of them in harms way. kia we bought as a family pet without any intention of breeding from her, dylan was rescued from a bloke who took him away from its mother at 6 weeks old and kept him outside in a leeky kennel, which i was horrified at and so would any other anilmal lover who saw his plite. her last season she escaped from the house into our back garden as we had let him out for a nature call and she fretted because she couldnt see him as he does if he cant see her.
    we had at that point been very grateful that she didnt stand for him. we have this time decided that we would if she wanted to and not to force either of them, allow her to have 1 litter and then to have both of them can be sterilised so no further litters would happen.
    we spoke to our vets who has fully checked kia and dylan out and has said though various test which has cost me over the past year £500 that she is ready and would make a perfect mother. we have half an acre of land with this house which is split in half for the dogs we have kennels 20ft by 4ft for each dog, but are only used when guest come to the house as they become very excited they are never left out there were ever we go they go with us we had to buy a bigger car to accomodate them. so yes we do love our dogs and to us they are like an extension ofg our family and are treated as such. and yes they have both been ho scored and checked for illnesses and possible birth problems. and yes we are geared up if the puppies dont sell we have plenty of room to extend kennels. but i have 8 people waiting for her to have pups, to which i have told them if she does they can have one not sold have as they are all closed friends and family, but if she doesnt have any this time they will both be having the op. so no money is not at the forefront of our minds. but i do appreciate where you are all coming from im an not into breeders who breed for the sake of breading and putting cash in your pocket i have not need for financial gain from my dogs its cruel as they usually do not benefit from it. and those that do breed for financial gain are selfish and cruel. our vet feels that to have her spade and not to have had at least one litter would also be cruel.
  11. Chicco

    Chicco New Member

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    I do understand your post completely heidi - however I feel the final statement from your vet is the most irresponsible thing I have ever heard.

    It most certainly is not cruel to not allow them to have a litter, and furthermore it doesn't take a mathmatician to work out where we would be if every bitch in the country was allowed one litter because it is cruel not to.

    I have never in my life heard a responsible vet with that view.

    I would also like to point out that a vet is fully aware that genetical problems often miss a generation and therefore come from grandparents, which from your post, you know nothing about.

    How will you feel if you pass on entropian, hip, elbow or heart problems.

    I also take your point that you can keep or take back any pups necessary, but will you also put restrictions on the ones you give/sell not having pups and therefore creating even more unwanted pups.
  12. SKing87

    SKing87 New Member

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    good for you. Im pleased that youre able to stand up for yourself on the matter, there are so many people out there who have no idea what theyre doing, but it seems like youve got it all planned :)

    fingers crossed for you
  13. rottiedad

    rottiedad New Member

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    thats good you have the space and just remember they can have big litters ours was 10 but have known litters of 16 hope ur ready for sleepless nights and when they open their eyes their in everything is an experiance thats for sure have to keep us posted
  14. rottalmarotts

    rottalmarotts New Member

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    The view of your vet that she should have a litter is absolute rubbish, so every bitch in the land should have at least one litter what a state the rescues would be in if we all adopted this train of thought.

    I am sorry, the circumstances of the accidental "meetings" and lack of understanding of a bitch in season shows a naive approach to raising a litter You cannot let a dog and bitch together cos one is fretting they are fretting for a reason!!!

    Are your dogs KC reg? if not you are unable to place any restrictions and protect your puppies
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2009
  15. wildheart

    wildheart New Member

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    i'm sorry iff i offend you heidio5 but as your male was rescued i presume you have no papers with him. with the current climate & all the bad press our breed has had no unregistered kc dog should be bred from. your vet should not be saying "yes i think she will make a great mum" 1st off it is very unethical to state such a thing......sorry rant over
  16. heidi05

    heidi05 New Member

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    ok number 1 my dogs have a very close relationship they have been together since very young, so yes if they are apart they do fret just like my male cries if my hubby goes to the shop and leaves him behind, and being disabled my self and cant just got to the shop he sits on my knee crying till he walks back through the door again as big as he is, so excuse me if my dogs are close and have seperation issues. number 2 the vet i have is a very caring and very good vet number 3 i do now what entropian is my friend bought a rotti which she had to have put to sleep because of entropian, in actual fact the worst the vet had ever seen. and last but not least yes dylan has got papers as i got the papers from the guy who had him he moved house and left them in his empty house and my friend who was a housing officer found them on inspection and the breeder who i took dylan to see to comfirm that he was the dog signed him over to me as the other guy had not sent them off.
    these dogs are open to any inspection at any time i have absolutely nothing to hide they would put alot of owners of this breed to shame. they are healthy not over fed and happy animals, my kids and us can play any game with them and have no fear whatso ever of them being rough. i have carers coming in twice a day who adore them as well and im sure if anyone had any problems with the way i have kept them im sure io would have had rspca at my door.
    as for you calling my vet well im sorry but you obviously are not a vet but you are i take a breeder who breeds for financial gain are you not. I rest my case.
  17. heidi05

    heidi05 New Member

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    i have already said in a previous post that at any time that i am left with the puppies or they are returned to me i have the facilities to deal with that eventuality. i would not want to see anything leave this house to end up in a rescue home apart from them being over stretched and underfunded, it is not the right environment for animals to be kept no offence meant to those who do take in these animals and care for them. i am not a mindless teanager who has no idea of life i am an adult and have children of my own 17 and 14 who also understand the commitment animals means, my eldest bless her is going into the army very shortly training dogs for the army and being a dog handler as well. my family and my animals are the only life i have so yes i take them all very seriously and take their care and welfare very seriously as well.
  18. random

    random New Member

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    You really don't know what you are talking about do you?
  19. Chicco

    Chicco New Member

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    Not quite sure who you are referring to here -- but if it is me, then NO, I am not a breeder, and I certainly have no qualms in calling your vet irresponsible for suggesting that it is cruel for a bitch not to have a litter. To the point that I actually don't believe that a vet would say it.

    I know some of these people who have also replied to you, and believe me, by the time you have done all you can for your bitch and had time off work to look after pups then there is not a lot of financial gain to be had. Not if you do it correctly.
  20. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    Just because you intend to breed without financial gain doesnt make you a responsible breeder- responsible, ethical breeders research their lines and make sure relatives have good health test results and they breed to further the breed, not just because they want their bitch to have a litter- even if you do hav e homes lined up for them. are your dogs show dogs? or proven working dogs? or at least have good examples of either of the above in their close lines? my bet is yours dont and you dont even know what dogs are in their bloodline
  21. ally1

    ally1 New Member

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    just wondered what are the hip & elbow scores of the prospective parents

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