Sophie (Mom's valleybull/boxer) Photos

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by Jenn~n~Luke, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. Jenn~n~Luke

    Jenn~n~Luke New Member

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    Sophie (Mom's valleybull/boxer)

    These are a few weeks old..I haven't been down to Mom's to get any new pics lately...a lot going on.




    At 8 weeks




    Sophie...oh what can I say about dear Sophie. She truly is the most lovable pup. Couldn't ask for more affection, in fact to be honest, she goes a bit overboard. But I was impressed with her from day one, the way she was so intent on me when I worked with her, always looking into your eyes, as if waiting for the next command. For the first couple of weeks I was down at Mom's a lot working with her, and she was smart as a whip. Stubborn as hell, more excitable and hyper than any dog I've ever seen..which I admit turns me off. I can't help it, there's something about a dog that is constantly bouncing and always in your face trying to lick it off that gets on my nerves. But I do love her. Just not my type of dog.

    We introduced her to Luke a few times. At first, he was really good with her. I was keeping her here over night, and he was pretty good all day, but out of the blue he would just totally turn on her. This was a tiny puppy...and I was afraid he'd hurt her accidentally. So I told Mom we'll just do shorter play dates....She's just so darn hyper and assertive that she sets off Kayla too. This was a pup who at 8 weeks old had no problem whatsoever taking Luke on...and she would keep at it. Mom had a hell of a time working on her with the biting issue. This wasn't' just normal puppy nipping either, this was flat out, growl, jump at your face, attack your legs and was bad. My two little sisters started to not like her, to be actually afraid of a little pup, it was that bad. She'd go from licking your face off to looking and sounding as if she was going to rip you to shreds. She has quite the prey drive, at least that's what I consider it. She wanted to kill pigeons at eight weeks old for heaven sakes.

    Anyway...she is doing better with the biting, although still not perfect. The jumping is ridiculous but Mom's working on that too. I know boxers can be quite bouncy lol. But our problem is that Luke now hates her. I've never seen him take a dislike to a female, let alone a pup but he's made it VERY clear that he wants nothing to do with her at all. We've tried taking them to the park a few times. He does his best to avoid her, and when she won't stay away he gets very annoyed and will snap at her. So I can no longer take him to Mom's with me when I go, we can't do dog outings together...just him and Kayla. Mom is bonding with her more now...and I'm glad. At first she was quite put out that Sophie was so attatched to me and not her, so in a way it's probably a good thing that I'm not down there a lot anymore and bonding with her because it's bad enough Kayla wants to live with me lol.

    I love her, don't get me wrong, but she is just not my type of dog. And since Luke doesn't like her, I can't spend much time with her....I had such high hopes that they'd all love one another and I'd have Sophie down here with me, working with her, taking all three dogs to the park and trail walks. It isn't going to happen.:-(

    To be quite honest, and I hate to say it, but I really think she's the wrong dog for Mom. She's got far far too much energy, and now that I can't bring her along with me on my outings with Luke, she won't have that outlet. I feel awful about the whole thing..For once, I have been the one trying to make Mom see that this dog is not suited for her lifestyle at all...and she would be better in a more active home, but Mom refuses to see that. I started out being so excited for and about this girl, and now I'm just sad.
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