Hello! I’m hoping find out if other French Bulldog owners have had all of the BAOS surgeries, the soft palate/nares/sacuals, and your Frenchie is still having breathing issues? My main concern for Rainer was his sleep apnea. After the surgeries he’s still experiencing the apnea and also had some times where his breathing is loud and somewhat labored still. Should I get a second opinion on possibly having a second surgery or is this just a normal occurrence for the breed? Thank you for any assistance.
Hi and welcome. My dog has had the nasal widening and soft palate surgery and luckily has not had any problems since, but the surgeon did warn that the symptoms can sometimes return, unfortunately. As for the sleep apnoea i'm not sure sorry. Your vet will always be best to ask for advice on such things. How old is yours, he looks awesome?
Thank you for your reply! What changes did you notice after Bronson (cool name btw) had his surgeries? I recently sent Rainer’s vet videos of his apnea since it’s continued after his surgery. I will surely hear back from her this week. I’m hoping he won’t need another surgery, but if it’s necessary and will improve his comfort then I will of course do it. Rainer is just over 2 years old... he’s a handsome boy for sure! How old is Bronson?
Hi, Yeah i love his name too, thanks. I'm hoping too that your little man won't need more surgery, just so he doesn't have to go through anymore stress and Anaesthetic again. But your like me, no matter what it takes and if it is unavoidable you don't care as long as he's safe and healthy, yeah? Plus i used to work in human Anaesthetics and i know the complications and risks, which didn't make me any less nervous because when it's one of your own as it's so different to any other (human or animal) patient. As for the changes I noticed, he didn't pant as much after exercise or playing in the house, his snoring was less, though still noticeable which I don't mind, because his grunting is really funny when he wants something. He didn't seem to struggle as much in the hot weather either, but i never really take him out until it's cooled down during the summer nights because i hate seeing dogs struggling in the heat, like owners round here seem to do! Mr Bronson is now 1 year old this past July and still has his puppy moments now and again, but on the whole he is brilliant. If it wasn't for him I would not leave the house
Aw Juli, we both feel the love. And every single person on here, furkids included, is loved equally, if not more! And I'm sure you agree there is nothing we wouldn't do to make sure they are looked after and safe, to the point my little man gets fed and watered before I see to myself every single day!
@MrRainer, this is off topic, but I love Ohio. I was due to move to Lancaster a few years ago, so have a special connection with the State. The 4th of July celebrations were just phenomenal! I used to fly into Columbus to get to Lancaster and always felt the love and warmth from the locals, which made me love the country even more than I already did. Sorry I just wanted to share that!
@BronsonTheBulldog I visited Columbus when I was a teen and knew it was somewhere I wanted to be at some point. It really is a great place! The city has changed DRASTICALLY recently and things have grown substantially. I have friends that live in Lancaster and love it. I’m glad you can connect with Ohio
Definitely, it feels like my second home now. And alot of Welsh people settled there in I think either the 19th or early 20th century because alot of the land there was very similar to land here but more prosperous. Everyone there always loved me and my accent. Such a beautiful country.
Hi, My name is Mario and I have an 8 year old fawn Frenchie , his name is Bowser. He has had both surgeries at a young age (soft palate, stenotic nares)and has recently had trouble sleeping at night. He has gone for testing ,cat scans, scopes EVERYTHING. The vet hospital says his breathing is very good, he’s in top physical shape, they are as surprised as I am as to why he only has trouble breathing during sleep. After being on google for a few days I couldn’t help but notice you had a similar issue, BAOS symptoms even after surgery. Did you ever find find a solution to Rainers problem ?