Siberian/Samoyed mix quote has made me cross Controversial

Discussion in 'Samoyed' started by seaunicorn, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. seaunicorn

    seaunicorn New Member

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    Siberian/Samoyed mix quote has made me cross

    I am very sorry, I don't usually rant but I was looking on the internet to see if anyone else has the mix that I have, and I came across a question from someone asking about the mix - apparently the following was the "best answer" and I am so angry.

    Please do not make up some cutesy name for what is essentially a mutt. As a long time breeder of Samoyeds I have an issue with the notion of supporting someone who is purposefully producing mixes and I firmly believe the b*tch should be spayed TODAY.

    25 years ago I owned a dog of this mix. The coat was AWFUL! Far worse than any Sam or Sibe since it combined the uber-thickness of the Sibe coat with the length and coarseness of a Sam's coat - producing a coat that was nearly impossible to groom.

    As far as "what are they like" - look up all the bad traits of both breeds and that is, undoubtedly what you will end up with. Generally, I don't consider either breed to be easy pets.

    My Missy is of this mix (I don't really mind if they have given the mix a name (Samousky apparently) and if people ask what she is I tell them she is a husky/ samoyed cross),but I do have to say I am often complemented on how beautiful Missy's coat is, it is thick and soft and so easy to brush and nothing ever comes out of it (I am waiting for the blow to come).
    She has a fantastic temperament, she is now 9 months old and I have never seen her bare her teeth and she only growls when playing tug of war games.
    She is happy with the amount of exercise she gets usually an hour and a couple of 20 minute walks and is not destructive in any major way.
    I saw a quote the other day which describes her perfectly, she is either on full power when out on a walk or a couch potato when at home.

    I am sorry to rant - but I do not think that people should generalise about any kind of dog, it is down to how they are treated as to how they will respond and I am very fed up with these breeders who think that mixes or mutts should not be allowed. (Some of the nicest dogs I have ever met are mutts)
    Can someone out there please help to calm me down??

    My Missy

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  3. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    She is beautiful.

    I once owned a Newfiexberner accidental mating she had to be returned to her breeder because her and I did not see eye to eye, I also read a book and made a lot of mistakes she was my second dog and if things had been done the way I did them with my first dog a mutt we would still be together .

    She is re-homed to a lovely lady and we keep in touch and Zanta has turned out to be the most wonderful dog, she just wasn't to be mine.

    Maybe this person did not know how to respond to the two mixes being in one body and mind and made mistakes.

    I think having a dog is a lottery whether it is pedigree, first cross or mutt. Ollie is a pedigree and although we do not have the same problems we had with Zanta he is a difficult dog.

    As long as you are happy and happy with the way your dog is don't worry about what others say.
  4. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    You have a dog with the best points of both breeds - the responder had one with the worst. This what happens with first crosses. Why not just put your own answer in?
    I mean - you do get labradoodles that eat everything in sight, shed for England and are frankly bats. So people going for these crosses need to know that is a risk.
  5. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Aww - difficult to deal with....

    I would just leave it - you have a fab dog who you are happy with.

    However - I would wait till she was about 18months/2 years to be decided on the coat though....the first moult will be fun ;)
  6. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Hello :grin:

    I share my life with a husky x mal. Jacub is the sweetest lad I have ever had the pleasure of spending time with. He definately displays only the positive side of both breeds. Unfortunately I have met a few husky x mals who don't and their owners have stuggled to cope with most of the dogs ending up in rescue centres.

    J was puppy farm bred for profit and given the designer name a 'Huskamute'. By the time he was four months old he was in a rescue centre, until we adopted him :grin:

    J spends the summer months fundraising for nothern breed welfare schemes and educating the public that a 'Huskamute' is not a new breed of sled dog. He is a crossbreed.

    I've heard every negative comment on God's earth about J and I take it with a pinch of salt, never seems to penetrate my thick skin ;-)

    Missy is just beautiful, great natured, loved and cherished. It's all that matters. I walk taller when I'm out with Jacub because I am so proud of who he is. Folks can make negative general sweeping statements about his mix but none of them ever apply to we just keep walking tall :grin:

    Don't let folks upset you, they have obviously never met Missy ;-)

    Take care of yourself.

  7. seaunicorn

    seaunicorn New Member

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    I realise this and have equipment at the ready - Spinning wheel, weaving loom etc.:lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. seaunicorn

    seaunicorn New Member

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    Thank you so much, I am very proud of her and the only comments we get when we are out are good ones. I should stay off these stupid internet sites (apart from this one of course):grin: :grin:
  9. seaunicorn

    seaunicorn New Member

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    I have just looked at some pictures of Jacub and he is stunning.:049: :049:
  10. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Aww thank you so much :grin: His nature is very mal like with a hint of cheeky sibe :grin: I couldn't ask for a better lad. He's a total mummies boy :grin:

    Thanks again.

    Take care.

  11. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    I wouldnt worry either, your little girl is stunning & has a lovely caring owner. Even in a pure bred dog you will get dogs who are harder to manage than others. As someone else said, the poster shouldnt make sweeping statements, she didnt gel with her dog, you have & thats all that matters

    We have two white Boxers & the rubbish & negativity surrounding them by some is unbelievable. Interestingly both have different type coats

    Our red/white has a harsh smooth coat & when wet its almost water repellent & takes hours & hours to dry even with a hair dryer

    Our little white girl has a very close thin coat (she feels the
    cold) but 15 mins with the dryer & shes done (happy happy days)
    Our white boy has a slightly longer looser coat but his too dries fast
    Our red/white gives affection on her terms but we love her dearly, shes our angel
    Our white kids are very demonstrative - so no-one should generalise thst every
    "type" should be same or "worst" just because of one negative experience of their own
    So, like everyone else says, walk tall & proudly - you know your girl is the best &
    no one else matters!
  12. tazer


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    I can understand you getting annoyed, but just remember, that comment wasn't directed personally at your dog.

    You've so far had a great experience with you're x breed of choice, that person obviously did not. But that is life I'm afraid, and people can and will only share the experiences they've had.

    Youcould both be accused of generalising all dogs of this cross, based on your experiences however much they differ. Not all will be as easy as yours, or as difficult as theirs.

    I do however, think it is verry important for people looking into getting a dog wether that be a x breed or purebreed, to have a good understanding of the negative aspects, not just the positives.

    Your dog is lovely btw.
  13. Vicki6344


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    It really is pot luck.....

    You have been most fortunate and your dog is just beautiful :049: - be happy with her, and rise above the negative rant

  14. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    hi :grin:
    don't let it get to you...if i had a penny for everytime someone mentioned how dangerous my csv is(without even meeting one)id be loaded ;-) ;-)
    everyone is an expert :roll: although negative comments should be seen as good,its to safeguard the dogs really,if we went around only saying how wonderful our dogs were,we would be doing a disservice to our furbabes and leading into numpties hands ;-) ;-) :mrgreen:
  15. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    How dare they :shock: :lol:

    Tell them his Godmother is the dangerous one! ;-)

    Take care.

    Seoniad. xxx
  16. seaunicorn

    seaunicorn New Member

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    You are so right, when we found the ad for her we did look up both breeds and the negative and positive aspects for both and decided it was worth the chance as we felt that we could get through all of that.
    I do have to keep in mind that this person does not know my dog and I only happened upon the thread.
    I am also a firm believer that the dogs behaviour owes a lot (not all because they are all individual) to the owner, my parents always had GSD's - 7 over the years - all rescue and all an absolute delight in their own ways, not one ever showed aggresive tendencies despite the fact that 3 of them were very badly treated.
  17. seaunicorn

    seaunicorn New Member

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    Thank you to all of you for your comments - I knew that asking your opinions would make me feel better. I do know that all dogs (whatever the breed or cross breed or no breed) are different and have different characteristics and should all be taken on their own merits, but I do get so angry with people who stick all the bad things they have met in one dog onto all other dogs.
    Anyway - rant over.
    Thank you all, I am now going to take my beautiful crossbreed on a lovely walk in this lovely sunshine and she will probably find some mud and come home all dirty, but she will be happy and we will still love her.:049: :049: :049: :049:
  18. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    It's hard not to take these comments personally isn't it! I only found dogsey while doing a search for otger owners of my new puppy a huskamute and came across the thread 'huskamute why?' I was so angry at done of the comments they couldn't mean my beautiful kismet and where did they get off telling me I was an idiot buying a new type of snow dog!!! They knew nothing about me or my situation or my beautiful pup!

    But after a while on here I began to realise the points of view of the commenters were just as valid. I still don't agree with everyone on here but I have come to see them as more rounded people not just as their first comments. I can see where their views are founded and I have been able to add my experiences and views. Somewhere along the way many of my views have changed and I have seen other posters views change as well!

    There are still some issues that make me see red and post in anger (don't get me started on prong collars) but on the whole I have learned to take a deep breath and read on for a few posts before making a comment. And I try to never take any comment personally:)
  19. Gnasher


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    Appalling ! My own personal opinion is that you cannot beat a good cross. And the only breed to beat a good cross is a good mongrel consisting of several different breeds.

    I hate this snobbish breedism in dogs. You have a mix there of 2 breeds that I love, and I cannot think of anything nicer. She looks gorgeous and don't let anyone make you think otherwise - I find that when people make bitchy remarks about my choice of dog, they are just green with jealousy because I have a beautiful, intelligent, healthy dog who was virtually free and who costs me hardly anything to insure. The little green monster raises his head yet again IMO !! She is a gorgeous bitch and you give her a big hug from Auntie Gnasher !!
  20. seaunicorn

    seaunicorn New Member

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    Well said:grin: :grin:
  21. seaunicorn

    seaunicorn New Member

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    I most certainly will give her a big hug. Thank you:grin: :grin:

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