siberian husky 9 months 2 seasons within 3 months? Health

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by saphirex310, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. saphirex310

    saphirex310 New Member

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    siberian husky 9 months 2 seasons within 3 months?

    Hi can any one help me, i have 2 bitches and one male, we got the male 3 months ago,in which both girls came into season one being 6 months and the other 9 months,so we kept them apart for about 4 weeks,then re introduced them,every thing is fine,its just my younger one is now 9 months old and she started to bleed again this morning,was the first season a fluke?? because we brought out our male into the household?so her hormones started to rage?its really confusing me as this cant be her second season at 9 months?is there any way the first one was a phantom? they was all wormed about 8 days ago with drontel, could that have anything to do with it,she is still lively and as mad as a hatter eating and drinking altho she has dropped a couple of pounds this last 3 weeks,i thought it was due to a gangly phase,as she is having a growth spurt,would be great to get some feedback.if she is still bleeding on mon will be taking her straight up the vets to get check up
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  3. Cassius

    Cassius New Member

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    Did you take your pup to the vets? Was it just another eason? How is she? What was the cause?

    I hope she's feeling OK now.

    Laura xx
  4. cornishmals

    cornishmals New Member

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    Though Kira ( an Alaskan Malamute)was older than your pup,being just over 2 years old,She had a full season in October.However we brought a new CED puppy home in December and by Christmas Kira was in season again,all be it a silent one.Her mum was prone to silent seasons,but we feel it was her hormones in over drive when we bought the pupster home.
  5. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    Dogs can go into season when a new handsome boy is brought in and as I understand it from my vet it is more prevalent in the 'wilder breeds' (her words), meaning I think the more pack oriented breeds like Huskies and Mals.

    Kismet threw herself into a short second season after just meeting the handsome and virile Santa boy. Another reason it would have been tricky to bring him home sadly.

    So yes, It is entirely possible that it is a second season, but I would still take her along to the vet to have it all checked out. Be sure and phone ahead though to let them know that you are bringing in a suspected Bitch in heat. I know my vets don't let me bring Kismet into the waiting room if she's in season, for obvious reasons:)

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