She ain't nothing but a [half] hound dog General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    She ain't nothing but a [half] hound dog

    Both Little One and Pereg used to "sing" when they heard the chimes of the countless icecream vans that roam around all day once the weather is warm.

    Tikva? Sing? Oh no, she asserts herself as a hound by raising her head to the sky and HOWLING!

    Rather embarrassing really as for such a small dog she has a very loud voice, whether she is barking or HOWLING - and if it is the latter it sounds as if she is being beaten. :oops:
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Malka I feel your pain!
    For a Beagle, Eddie has a deep guarding type bark, but Merry shows me up all the time. She has a rousing Awrrooooo, which she does when she meets other dogs on a walk, (but fortunately never at a show or training, - she is angelic there). She also does it at home if she hears other dogs barking in the distance, and at all vehicle noise, horns, car alarms, or backing-up bleeps. This is just about passable in the daytime, but when it happens at her 1am. last wee, it is VERY embarrassing. The sounds she is reacting to can be miles away, but she is 30 feet from my neighbours bedroom.
    Bless them, they have never complained!
  4. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    :D :044: :D :044:

    Tikva telling you she wants a ice cream :096:

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  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - Tikva is like Pereg, having different barks for different things, so I always know why she is barking. This icecream van chimes HOWL is hysterical, especially when she is doing her Meerkat impression, and as for the Meerkat impression, let me put it this way - Tikki is a very skinny puppy but she has thighs like that Kardashian's bum. .

    She does not like vehicles parked outside, even on the other side of the road, and Heaven forfend someone should stop this side, which is No Parking, she does her best to get the driver to move on.

    Luckily there is very little traffic after 8pm so she is quiet, and the HOWL is only for the icecream van chimes. No problem with other dogs barking as I have never heard any, and luckily we do not appear to have had any dumped dogs lately, but if any appear and get within Tikki's reach they will regret it. Daxies have very strong jaws and teeth, and she may only be small but once she gets hold of something [often a shoe when it is on my foot] she will not let go.

    Little booga.

    @6JRT's - I rarely buy icecream but she has never shown any interest in my food - except for bananas. She is bananas about them! :005:
  6. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Nigredo does this annoying nonsense when he sees someone or hears the door. Dumbest barking I've ever heard. Very annoying!

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