Samoyeds - What kind of pets do they make? Questions

Discussion in 'Samoyed' started by greyhoundk, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Samoyeds - What kind of pets do they make?

    I n the Daily Mail magazine yesterday they had 10 dogs from Battersea Dogs Home looking for homes and one was a beautiful Samoyed called Snowball - such a stunning looking dog ! can anyone tell me what sort of pets they make ? :grin:

    Not sure if this is in the correct section ...
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  3. smokeybear

    smokeybear New Member

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    Very noisy ones (they belong to the Spitz group renowned for their vocalisation)!

    Also, think very carefully if you can life with long white hairs covering everything!
  4. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Sadly no more dogs here (OH says no) just curious ! thanks for your reply
  5. Kerryowner


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    We used to see one on Earlham Park in Norwich and the dog was a menace as it was untrained and used to mount other dogs. We always used to see it when I walking Cherry and Parker there before they went to their nearby grooming appointment. I used my pet corrector spray to get it away from Parker as I didn't really want him molested in this way (he would get a bit growly too as he didn't appreciate this behaviour!) and the owner said to me "Don't you like your dogs meeting other dogs?" to which I replied "Yes but your dog has no social skills!"

    Sadly I think it was this particular owner and not necessarily the breed as another owner said she was a lovely lady but this dog was her blind spot as it were and she could see no wrong in letting him do as he liked and not training him properly.

    I have been told she now has a Samoyed puppy as the other one died (and it was only 6) so what's the betting it ends up the same!
  6. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    They are AMAZING!! I was lucky enough to share my life with one for 8yrs..His face graces the main page of dogsey..

    ON the left..where it says Dog Breeds..thats my boy Seiko..

    He was fabulous..very hairy of course and lots of work to keep him groomed right..but pretty much self cleaning..

    NOT noisy as said above..he would Woooo at you ..and only barked when he wanted out to pee..or when at a rally..he would join in with the others..(as for the Spitz group being noisy I have two malamutes here too and they aren't noisy either!! )

    He got along great with all dogs and would quite happily lie beside my house rabbits too..He was gorgeous and taken far too soon and I miss him..

    Seiko was a large Samoyed..which I prefer, the more recent bred ones tend to be getting smaller and smaller..

    If you asked me if you should go for it I would say YES>>if I was closer I may do it myself!
  7. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Your Seiko was beautiful :007: i must say i am attracted to all those types of dog, malamutes, huskies, spitz i justthink they are stunning looking. I met a husky recently his name was Nanuk (sp?) totally gorgeous :)

    Thanks for the reply, i would like to own one in the future maybe x
  8. moetmum

    moetmum New Member

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    Lots of hair! I sat near some at a show recently and came home covered in hair!

    Lovely dogs but would require a fair amount of grooming.
  9. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    A once over once a day is fine to keep it under control..a really good groom once a month (unless they are show dogs then thats another matter!)

    They do tend to have "flyaway" hair LOL..

    Theres more pics of Seiko boy here:mrgreen:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2010
  10. krlyr


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    I've heard that they're not the easiest dogs to own, but then again, I've grown up with GSDs which also have a similar reputation and other than one (who had legitimate health reasons for being how she was), they've all been really easy dogs to live with for the most part.
  11. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Well mine clearly never read his rule book!...He was my first OWN dog in my OWN house..and other than being Mr Chewy for the first year I never had any issues with him..

    BUT then I own two Malamutes who have a reputation for being hard to own dogs too..Obviously they never read their rule books either..(and one is a rescue)..

    Oh also owned a GSD for 14yrs whilst living with my parents

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