Samoyed - anyone with any experience? Discussions

Discussion in 'Samoyed' started by Hanlou, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Hanlou

    Hanlou New Member

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    Samoyed - anyone with any experience?

    Well whilst researching (and researching, and researching! :lol: ) one of the breeds I've come across and been very taken with is the Samoyed.

    I've been doing a lot of reading - especially on the breed club websites - and have been watching Youtube videos and indeed am liking them so much I've just ordered a book on them..... (which was a bargain on Amazon lol!).

    I know they're very, very furry and require a lot of grooming and I know they shed and can be vocal (so seeing some similarities with my own girly here lol! :p ) but wondered if anyone on here had any experiences? Or pics?? :grin:

    There's a Championship Show not far from us on December 1st that we're hoping to go to as I've never met them 'in the fur' so this seems a sensible first step - am hoping it will put us in touch with some breeders too. Although if anyone has any contacts that would be lovely!

    I have small pets and one thing I would like to know if anyone can answer it is if a Samoyed would be ok with them if brought up from a pup? A lot of other breeds I've been looking at I've been put off because of this issue.

    Thank you for any information xx

    ETA: We aren't looking for a pup in the immediate future - it will be at least a year away - possibly more. So plenty of time for research!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2012
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  3. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Magpye was a sammy owner not sure if she still is ...
  4. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    Yap yap yap yap yap!
    I couldnt live with one!
  5. Kiing

    Kiing New Member

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    I've not owned a Samoyed, but I knew a bitch through a training class. :) She was a lovely dog with a really sweet temperament - just wanted to love every person and dog she came across. I have to say, she single-handedly put Samoyeds on my doggy wishlist, she was just that lovely.

    That said, in the class environment, she was very, very noisy - non-stop, high-pitch barking. Whilst the owners said she only ever did it at training, I think noisiness is just part and parcel of the breed. :lol: The shedding she went though was insane - the hall the class was held in would have mini tumbleweeds all over the place by the end of the hour she'd been in there.
  6. Hanlou

    Hanlou New Member

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    Thank you for the comments! All helpful lol! :grin: xx

    Shall get in touch with magpye!
  7. Kerriebaby


    Likes Received:
    Claire or KB
    Noisy and mucky beggars (apparently!)
  8. bijou

    bijou New Member

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    I grew up with them as mum loved the breed - fabulous temperaments - not a 'one person' or indeed one family breed as they adore EVERYONE and would not only welcome a burglar in but also make them a cup of tea and open up the biccies - so no good as a guard dog ! - they're very independent which makes training difficult and allthough they were bred as reindeer herders they don't have that in built 'circling ' thing that most pastoral breeds do and we had to keep ours on leads all the time when out for walks as their recall was non existent and they would head off to the far horizon at the earliest opportunity

    Despite being almost always white ( but biscuit colours are allowed ) that sparkling coat is almost self cleaning and seems to shrug off dirt but boy does it shed - twice a year it comes out in handfuls and although it's not difficult to groom it does need regular brushing and combing at least twice a week.

    The biggest drawback is the noise - they are probably one of the noisiest breeds ever - barking for the sheer hell of it I think Sammy owners become immune to the noise but you'ld better have understanding neighbours if you are considering one - we are sometimes benched next to them at shows and I dread it because the barking is non stop :shock:

    I love the breed but having lived with them as a child I knew I just could'nt live with the noise when I was looking for a dog of my own later on.

    Have you thought about a Eurasier as an alternative ?- they have been deliberately created to be a quieter medium sized Spitz dog from a cross between Keeshond, Samoyed and Chow - have a look here :

  9. Hanlou

    Hanlou New Member

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    Thank you very much - a helpful and honest post! :grin: xx

    Lol the Eurasier is on my 'list' too! They do keep cropping up and seem like an ideal breed. Will have to attend an event of theirs I think then! would love to have gone to Discover Dogs but it's on my working weekend. Crufts is a must I think though!! :grin:
  10. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    Haha - the guy who has the shop next to mine has one the same age as my puppy and he's sooooo noisy. He yaps all the time and he's very naughty too. You just have to remember that they are a working dog and need a lot of stimulation. I couldn't have one either - the noise!!!!!
  11. mallowbrain

    mallowbrain New Member

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    Aww we have a Samoyed and he us the quietest dog ever, we must be extremely lucky!

    They are a very loving and happy breed and just like fuss and walks, he and our Japanese Spitz are loving the snow at the moment :)
  12. slumps

    slumps New Member

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    Mine is very quiet too, she never barks when I'm around! When I'm not there though is a different story. She still doesn't bark, but she does howl. It's subsiding as she becomes used to being alone at night and she's a really fast learner! This was her just after I got her at 8-9 weeks.

    Just be aware that they are over friendly to the point where they are a nightmare to walk. She'll just run up to any stranger she sees and start playing with children! :x

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