Hi new to the forum I’m have RR lab mix He is a year old . He sheds like crazy I have hair everywhere. I brush him with the Rake and the hair never ends . What can I do ????
The vast majority of dog owners feel your pain Nothing you can do about it except keep on grooming and invest in a good hoover
Hi @Ljorgie welcome to Breedia ...I know what your going through besides other members..my staffy had a soft coat but he still lost hair although it sounds ridiculous coming from a short haired dog. I brought me a light weight hoover that went around daily besides taking him outside and using a shammy leather on his coat...mind you it does add a lovely shine
Laura some dogs lose hair through other problems, if it's way over the top...sometimes it's worth getting it checked out by a vet.
Just had a thought. The best product I have bought for loose hair is a silicone brush. The one I have is a Fish Brush from Pets at Home. The more common version is the Zoom Groom - available on the internet. I use mine outdoors as the hair flies everywhere!
It probably a normal amount of hair but it’s everwhere. I will do that not sure if that is the problem but it’s something to check . Also my Dog isn’t the best going to the Vet he has anxiety aand we have to give him meds to bring him to the Vet . Another question does anyone else’s RR when you tell them No so they snap back at you like they are yelling back ??
I have a lab/Saint Bernard mix with lab hair. She sheds a lot but this time of year she sheds a lot more then normal, it’s been happening this past month, I brush soooo much hair off her and then a week later I have to again. I think there are either one or two times a year a lab will blow a coat, they always shed but these times are the worst lol. I bought a Furminator and it works amazing!
I have heard very good reports on the Furminator, but some say that it was too harsh for a smooth hound coat. If you do try one, be sure that you have the correct colour for your breed, and don't be too enthusiastic with it until you see how much coat you are stripping out. I haven't tried one because I need to keep a furnished coat for shows, and know that it would remove too much, also my non-show boy does not like to wear a coat.
Pereg was fairly short-coated but she was double coated. She did not shed excessively but still needed a going over at least once a month. I did try a Furminator but it did not really work on her, but a shedding blade worked wonders. I used to sit on the little wall round my patio and give her a going over, and the amount of hair that came out always surprised me. When she blew her coat I could literally pull out handfuls. Lexi's coat was a bit longer than Pereg's and much silkier, and a regular brush was all she needed. But the tiddler? Tikki has a typical short Doxie/Minpin coat, and she does not seem to shed.
I've found that my RR boy responds well to a silicone/rubberish type of brush that seems to pull most of his loose hair out. similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/Shampoo-Groo...-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 but we use it on him wet or dry. Baths also seem to help control the shedding to a degree but we only bathe once a month or so.
Yes I have a silicone brush too - that and a fine comb get rid of most short hair. In Beagles we call it glitter. We wear it like a uniform!