Raw Diet for Greyhounds? Diet

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by monkeydonkey, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    Raw Diet for Greyhounds?

    My first new thread. Is there anybody out there who feeds their greyhound/s on a raw diet? I currently feed on Nutro choice with nature diet but they appear to be bored with this. They are not greedy dogs and are not overly fussed about mealtimes. I have to call them into the kitchen to eat, they don't wait about for food or appear to be very hungry. Any advice welcome.....
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  3. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Are yours ex-racing or show Greyhounds please?
  4. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    We rescued them, they are retired racers.
  5. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Well most racing dogs are fed on complete food with a high protein content, however I do not see why they should not have what they fancy and you are prepared to offer.

    If you wish you could make their food more interesting by adding a little something else to it try Pilchards, tuna, mince, wet commercial food or tinned dog or cat food, only need be a little just to make it more interesting. Or as you suggest it could be raw if they are prepared to take it.

    In general it is best not to change dogs food around too much but I would feed whatever you and they like, they are retired ladies and do not need high pressure food.
  6. galty

    galty New Member

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    Having expericanced in the past taken my Racing dogs home this is normal.

    As stated in this day an age racing Gs are feed with a complete meal of a 28% protine.

    Retired dogs need about 18 to 20% protine diet to remain healthy.

    Rule of thumb is a retired should be only 2 Kilos over their racing weight to be fully fit.
  7. borzoimom

    borzoimom New Member

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    I have borzois and have fed raw diet ( shepherds included) since 1984. I posted simple instructional videos how to do it.
  8. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    Thanks for that. I have tried different types of fish and they won't eat it, nor mince! They are just so fussy, they haven't eaten their tea again tonight and are sulking but i am trying to persist so that they don't think i will change the food everytime they don't fancy it! I want to feed them good quality and avoid the commercial tinned stuff if possible. I have changed their diet once before but did it really gradually so no upset tummys.
  9. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I supply raw foods to a couple who foster (and own) Greyhounds..Their dogs love it and do well on it
  10. madhouse

    madhouse New Member

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    Hi, a friend of mine has two rescue greyhounds who are fed raw. I found her a link on an american website regarding greyhounds and raw feeding which she found quite helpful. I'm not sure if it'll allow me to post a link here, but if you go onto google, and type in "greyhound raw diet" the first link it brings up is the page.

  11. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Would say do not let your fussy ladies mess you about, dogs do not need a change of food every day and once you have decided what you wish to feed stick with it and let them decide to leave it if they will.

    One thing about raw, not all dogs will take to it, :mrgreen: one of mine runs away and hides at the site of a chicken wing. If you are feeding raw do keep the protein level down these are retired and retired G/Hs are lazy and will spend most of the day asleep or watching the world go by so do not need very much food.

    Perhaps you are even trying to feed too much :002:

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