Question About A Malamute... Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by Koda, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. Koda

    Koda New Member

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    Question About A Malamute...

    right, a friend of mine owns a malamute. she bought he from a breeder in wales and she was cheaper than normal as the stud dog had apparently got out and mated with the Bitch and had a second litter of the year, which meant they couldnt KC register them, but they told my friend that she could register her personally.....she doesnt have any paperwork (pedigree etc) and her mal has blue eyes....which is a disqualification.....will she get it right?? b/c i dont think thats going to happen?

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  3. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    Accidents do happen, even in the best regulated of kennels, but...... In 15 years, we have had two "accidental" matings (they were deliberate as far as the dogs were concerned!! - on one occasion the dog climbed an 8 foot fence to get at the bitch, and on the other, the dog broke through a wooden fence, climbed in through a window and broke into a metal cage to get to the bitch) and both times we simply took the bitch to the vet for the canine version of the "morning after" pill.

    I'm not sure what a "personal" registration is, but rest assured, it is absolutely worthless! Despite the KC's shortcomings, KC registration (apart from some specific working dog registries) is the only registration that means anything.
    Finally, blue eyes in a "Malamute" isn't just a disqualification, it actually means that the dog isn't a purebred Malamute as malamutes do not produce blue eyes.

    In all likelihood, the dog is a Malamute/Siberian Husky cross.

    I am afraid the breeder saw your friend coming...........

  4. Koda

    Koda New Member

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    Hi Mick, Thanks for the info. I was 99.9% sure that Blue eyes meant she wasnt a full Mal. But its hard trying to tell someone that, without them getting offended/the like. x
  5. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    The KC will register 2 litters in a year from the same bitch, however the exception to this is for licensed breeders. As has been mentioned, the blue eyes indicates that there is 'something' else in there, most likely the sire is a Sibe.

    If the breeder does not/can not register the litter then there is nothing your friend can do about it. They won't be able to work/show either (incase that is what they were hoping to do if they assumed it was a purebred Mal).
  6. Koda

    Koda New Member

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    No i know thats what i thought all along - what a shame. guess they will find out when they ring up though! x

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