Puppy w two fevers Health

Discussion in 'Shar Pei' started by franksharpei, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. franksharpei

    franksharpei New Member

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    Puppy w two fevers

    I recently got a shar pei from a well known breeder. Around five days after vaccines the puppy got two fevers with really no other symptoms. A urinalysis showed struvite crystals in the urine. I was told he did not have a uti however I have noticed frequent urination and sometimes he has to go two times to get it all out. He also dribbles a tiny bit sometimes inside which leads me to believe ute's were possible. He received anti bionics twice and is now on SO Urinary dog food for a week.

    I have a few questions:
    Could these crystals cause a fever that last 12-24 hours?
    Can a shar pei have FSF at 10 weeks old?
    What is the best course of treatment for reoccurring UTIs?
    What results of a urine culture would indicate the struvite crystals are significant and worrisome?
    If the puppy is prone to struvite crystals what is the best treatment/diet?
    How much water should he be getting a day at 15 weeks?
    If my vet suggested SO Urinary should I be looking for a new vet as I have heard if there is no uti but struvite crystals this is not the best course of action?
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Water should be available 24/7
    Diet can play a big part in your dogs health
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Have you spoken to your puppy's breeder about these symptoms?
    We have a Breedia member who has said that because this breed has individual problems, it is wise to consult a vet that has a specialist knowledge of the breed. I believe there is a register of suitable vets.
    I hope she will drop by soon, if not, either your puppy's breeder, or the breed club, should be able to advise you.
  5. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Just because the water is there, does not mean the dog is drinking enough of it. Our cat didn't drink water worth anything and was prone to these issues. We were advised to salt her food JUST a tad or place a crystal or two onto her tongue to encourage a lot more drinking. It worked a charm.
  6. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Hi Kyle

    Welcome to the forum. I have a Pei who's nearly 3 years old, she's the second one I've owned. I'll try to answer your questions as best I can but I'm not a vet and neither of my dogs has had a UTI nor any other health problems other than entropion.

    As far as I understand struvite crystals normally occur after a UTI, Apparently it's more common in female dogs than male and often occurs between the ages of 5 to 7 years. I'm surprised that your vet hasn't explained the results of the urine culture thoroughly with you and its significance and given you a clear idea of the treatment.

    I certainly wouldn't be happy to give my Shar-Pei Royal Canin SO Urinary dog food as apart from it not being a good quality brand and having looked up the ingredients it contains rice, corn and corn gluten meal. Pei of any age should always be fed a GRAIN FREE DIET. My own is fed "home cooked". She's rarely given kibble but when she is it's Acana Grasslands or one of their other grain free kibbles.

    Yes it is possible for a 10 week old Pei puppy to have FSF, but having said that it could also be a reaction to the vaccines. If you bought your puppy from an ethical breeder they wouldn't or shouldn't be breeding from dogs with a known history of FSF.

    When your puppy suffered the two fevers did you take his temperature? An essential item in a Pei medical kit is a digital thermometer and vaseline as a raised temperature is often the first indicator of FSF. Were there any other symptoms, such as limping, shaking, swollen hocks or muzzle and a general lethargy? There's plenty of information about FSF online. Try looking at Dr Jeff Vidt's or Dr Linda Tintle's websites. both of whom are leading authorities on Shar-Pei health matters.

    Does your vet have any specialised knowledge of Pei health matters? If not I would seriously suggest you change to one who does. I would also suggest you join "the Shar-Pei Club" and "Shar-Pei Health and Education", both of which are on FB. You'll find a wealth of information and plenty of support from people who are or have been in the same position as you are.

    Hope that helps and good luck with your boy!

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