This should be obvious to me but for the life of me I don't know where I started with Louie. So where should I start with Pennie. I know with young dogs to let them run in on them, but other than that I have no idea..
What do you want to do with her? Have you signed up for any classes yet? My puppy gundog classes with Bo involved mainly steadiness work and general obedience with very little hunting or retrieving.
It depends on the character of your dog. A dog that isnt mad keen on retrieving probably wont suffer from being allowed to run in, a dog like Flynn probably needs a bit of steadiness instilled because I have to be very firm and keep on top of him to stop such things. It will also depend on who you speak to as to what they will tell you. Many trainers wont accept a puppy for gundog lessons under 6 months old because you dont really need to do any formal training with them until that age, just praise for carrying things etc.
She'll be going to obedience classes soon, can't find a gundog class in my area so it's a bit of a struggle. She is keen on carrying things, she has a huge teddy that she's been carrying in and out of the house all day. I've been keen to teach her give rather than drop so if she has something she shouldn't it's either a leave or give (depending on what it is of course). I'm sure we'll get there..
I can't remember how old she is? I wouldn't rush to do retrieving yet if she is still a baby. I like to get the basics in there and move on. If they do bring something to me, praise and take it off them. Regarding running in, like Leanne said, it depends on how keen she is. It sounds like she is doing ok for now anyway Helen
It depends how keen a retriever she is. I don't steady mine up unless they are crazy about retrieving. I tend to do one or two little retrieves every day from a very young age even before they learn sit, stay etc. All of my later training, stop whistle, turn whistle etc. hinges on my dogs being mad keen retrievers.
She's 16 weeks now, I think I'll just keep letting her run in and play with all her toys and enjoy her.. thanks everyone.