*Please read* I'm looking for an Alaskan Malamute female. General Chat

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by Madison Jo, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Madison Jo

    Madison Jo New Member

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    *Please read* I'm looking for an Alaskan Malamute female.

    I live in Idaho near Sun Valley, which is a U.S ski resort town. Being a ski resort town it is very, very snowy here!

    I am looking for an Alaskan Malamute female for dog-sledding, bike-joring, hiking ect.

    Yes, I know the internet is filled high and low with dog breeders... It has been difficult finding a breeder who has what I am looking for. & No, I am not interested in adopting a rescue malamute. ( I already have a sweet rescue dog that I love very much.)
    What I am looking for is a GOOD dog. A dog that has been bred for good stamina, endurance, strength, beauty, competition, ect. One that fits the AKC standard...Not a GIANT malamute please! I need a top of the line sled dog... I will pay top dollar. My family and I ice fish- we need dogs that can carry us and our gear up and down the frozen lakes. We also live in a "cold" dessert, which means flat lands of snow for our dogs to do plenty of sledding in. We live in the country with very few neighbors, we have waterfront property. We only have 2 dogs (my pomeranian Lady, and our duck-dog, Buck.) We also have a cat, Kovu.

    My story is this-
    I've been searching the internet for over a year contacting breeder after breeder, filling out puppy application forms, and still not finding what I am truly looking for. I am looking for quality dog without a spay/neuter contract. I know that is irritating for most breeders. But please listen- I am not looking to start a puppy mill AT ALL. I am not looking to steal and destroy any bloodlines. I am simply wanting to purchase a female, breed her once, keep the puppies, and raise the puppies for a sled dog team! Sledding is a sport I love and have a huge desire to do. Of course I am willing to pay extra for the right to breed this dog. The dog must be AKC because I need to know I am getting a true malamute, especially since I am going to be spending so much money on this.
    I would accept an young adult dog to breed once. And actually- I would prefer that.

    Please send me a message with some information or ideas. Or if you have a malamute female you would consider selling to me I'd love to talk, see some photos, and hear your price.
    *I hope this post is not offensive to anyone. My intentions are honest. I hope I can find the right breeder! I am very open to a close relationship with the breeder to ensure them that the dog is being treated right and taken care of. I intend to start a blog once I finally get my Alaskan Malamute.
    Thank you,
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  3. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Have you thought about a rescue? There seems to be more Huskies and Mals in rescues now after people going out and buying them after that film with Paul Walker in.

    Welcome to Breedia! :)
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I have no inside knowledge of the breed or its uses, but have you thought of attending one of the Sled Dog Meets or Conventions, to make personal contacts and get recommendations from others in the sport? Also, for a Kennel Club registered dog, the breed club is often a good first line of enquiry - details would be on the AKC website. You are very clear about your requirement, so should get a clear response from them. Good Luck.
  5. Johnclick

    Johnclick Member

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    My next door neighbor rescued a really good Malemute. Blaise is a a big, long legged dog with a disposition everyone dreams about. I don't know the name of the Shelter but I could ask him.

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