My Beagle, Joe Buck, came into my life on September 6, 2001, at age 8 weeks. On our way home, he sat very still in my wife's lap. Once inside the house, he raced around sniffing at everything he could find. He was a joy to both of us for his all too short Beagle life of 12 years and 10 months. Unfortunately, he developed Heart Congestion just before his 12th birthday. On a Sunday afternoon, July 6, 2014 he was obviously in pain and I located a vet who came to our home at 4:00 pm and put him to rest. We have his ashes in a beautiful cedar container with a brass plate showing his name, birth date and date of his passing away. He was a great joy and wonderful companion throughout his life.
Hello John - how sad for you that you lost your beloved Beagle Run free Joe Buck, run free as fast as you can xx I see from your other post that you have now adopted a rescue Beagle - please tell us all about him and post some photos - both of Joe Buck and also your new boy - I hope you will both have many happy years together. Pereg and I would like to welcome you to Breedia, and also wish you a belated Happy Birthday!