I'd like to introduce Milly who was rescued from a kill shelter in Romania 4 days before giving birth. Milly will be joining the mad house in about three weeks now that her puppies are grown and will be ready to be separated from her (they are 6 weeks old now). She will be joining Storm, Bella, Ruby and Molly ( and I think I will be changing her name, can't cope with Milly and Molly but can't think of a suitable name) With her puppies And the gang
Oh bless, she is lovely. The photo of her with her puppies is so sweet - I hope they soon find loving homes too. You could change her name to Lily, which wouldn't sound very different to a dog, but there again, my two answer to anything. I'm sure she will adapt in a couple of days, whatever you choose.
She's beautiful & looks so young to have had puppies. Some Milly sounding names: Milly - Tilly Milly - Billie Milly - Dilly Milly - Gilly/ Jilly
What a sweet looking girl. Do you have any idea how old she is and what size/weight? She looks so young and small in that first photo - bless you for going to give her a loving forever home. I hope her puppies are as lucky as she is. Name? As she will be coming from Romania, how about Rommi?
Ed was actually called Snoopy when I got him, but I thought that name had been really done to death for Beagles. OH initially put 'Eddie' on the shortlist, partly after the heroic failure Eddie the (B)Eagle, and partly because he was to be my last dog, (Ha hum), and I had re-registered him as Final Edition at H. He responds to Ed, Eddie, Eduardo, Edward and Edwin - depending on the context. It doesn't say much for my consistency as a trainer does it? Merry spent six years being Mary - very similar sounding, but she now answers to all sorts including Mezza, (awful, I know). Most of all she loves being called Moo Moo, it makes her go all soppy!
They think she's about 2/3 years old. No idea on size, I've been caught out before thinking that they would be bigger than they actually were, think the rescue lady can only be 4 foot tall lol. I'm sure the puppies will be snapped up which is why I said that I'd have Mum. Thanks everyone for the name suggestions, the jury's still out, I might wait until she is here and decide then.