New Sibe owner General Chat

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by BrendaMarie, May 6, 2010.

  1. BrendaMarie

    BrendaMarie New Member

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    New Sibe owner

    I'm a new sibe owner :) We just got our girl on Easter of this year! Never thought that I'd own one as I was perfectly happy with my 5yo BCx. But my boyfriend wanted to get another dog and he's limited by his allergies. Thank goodness he's not allergic to Jessie (my BCx). We found out that he probably wouldn't be allergic to huskies as my BCx has husky in her and she for sure has the husky under coat in her back half. He probably wouldn't be allergic to collies either but he wanted a husky (for looks of course :roll: ). Well we were just looking for dogs in general that would have that type of coat when we ran across a sibe up on craigs list. Their owners said that they couldn't take care of her any more as they both had full time jobs and they have a couple of kids that are fairly young (the usual "I didn't know what the heck I was getting into" scenario). These people got her from a breeder who made them sign a contract that they get her spayed and her rabies shot, and that they give her back to them instead of giving her to a rescue or the humane society. They instead put her up on craigs list and I found her and e-mailed and talked about it with my boyfriend. I did a couple day's research on the breed and taking from what the people were saying we were expecting her to be totally out of control! Well we got her and she still had yet to get her rabies and she still wasn't spayed. She didn't have a back yard that was fenced in only a cable, and it didn't sound like she got many walks at all. The people gave us the shot records that they got from the breeder. That had the breeder's name, phone number, and e-mail address. I just recently e-mailed the breeder (last week) and I'm waiting patiently for a reply as I would really like to meet them! Also I wanted them to know what happened to one of their pups.

    When we first got Storm (our sibe) she didn't know her name at all, she barely knew how to sit, didn't know how to lay down at all... I have the strong feeling that they spent little to no time with her. It was very sad in my eyes :-( .

    We took her to a park by our house to walk around to get some exercise. She couldn't make it at a fast walk all the way around (we use roller blades and got her a harness in case she decided to pull) and we don't go at a vary fast pace as I'm still learning and I slow every one down lol. I found that vary odd for a Husky to not want to pull at all and to not even make it a mile at a slower pace then my BCx who will go all day at a run if you let her pull you (another indication of her huskiness lol). After a week we didn't have to carry her the second half of the fast paced walk (she would only be able to do a half mile).

    She has yet to dig a hole any where in the yard (and they said that she was a big time digger). She did eat my underwear at first but that has stopped (for how long i donno). She has no will to jump the fence (only 4 foot) and i know she can because just today the dogs were after a squirrel and she ended up in the neighbors yard, running around exploring like a maniac lol. She's getting better with her recall! We have a long lead for her that has a golf ball on the end so we can stop/catch her easier because we're in between the back yard and front yard and she likes to be with us and some times it's not practical to hold the darn thing. She's doing good, she doesn't bolt after the first 30 seconds (we for sure have to hold it for that long) she more of wanders and if she set's one foot out of the yard then she's running, so we keep a close eye on her and make sure that the lead is under foot if she's not right next to us. Usually she likes to lay and watch us working in the yard or play with my BCx.

    I think she's not more apt to run around the yard because she knows that she will have the opportunity to run with us to her heart's content. But that's just what I think... (she hasn't been ran in a week because we just got her spayed and she's getting restless lol)

    So to recap (as I do want opinions and maybe advice):

    1. First time sibe owner here and aside from the 2 days I've researched on the internet I don't know much, any advise?

    2. Is running/trotting a mile too much for a 9 month old?

    3. We've had her for a month, is that too early for her destructive behavior to implement it's self? Is she still "getting used to" us?

    4. She doesn't seem to have any more energy then my BCx besides maybe she want's to play more (which is good for Jessie because she didn't really know how to play with dogs any more and now has a blast in the back yard) is this normal?

    5. We're going to start feeding her Blue Buffalo Wilderness that has a higher protein content. Should this boost her energy? I wouldn't mind both dogs having more energy!

    6. Any other advise?

    I honestly thing she was made for us! She's wonderful! She fit's right in with our life style :)

    And yes I am from the US (Michigan)... I see that most people seem to be from the other side of the world :) I feel foreign lol :)
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  3. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    Hi, well done for getting her out of that situation with those folks, sounds like they did hardly any training with her, naughty of them to not do as the breeder said in the contract as she should of gone back to them as stated. I would be careful running her too far @ present because she is still growing & best to do the 5 mins for each month really, play & walks should be ok for her until she is about 11/12 months. Not all huskies want to pull, our bitch mishka dosen't like to pull much & walks lovely on a leash. will run in harness but dosen't pull unless she see's something to chase. she is settling in still so may not show tendencies to chew til she settles down more with you. you may need to increase your fencing to @ least 6 ft as 4 ft is too easy for a dog to jump, also the prey drive in huskies is very strong so be careful with small critters. ESPECIALLY cats, lol. I wouldn't worry about her energy too much, some siberians are more laid back than others & can have less energy than others. our mishka is often sleeping through the day whilst the other 2 play all day . she may start to dig as they love this. but don't worry too much about her as she may be one of the laid back huskies & content to play, go for walks , you can try her with running/jogging when a bit older & she may enjoy it . Build her exercise up slowly , she hasn't been walked far with the other folks so hasn't much stamina yet. Any more help you need just ask she sounds lovely. Huskies do have selective hearing with recall etc & are ok as pups but as they get older they seem to go deaf when called @ times unless there is something in it for them we have found.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2010
  4. BrendaMarie

    BrendaMarie New Member

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    Ok thanks :) that's good to know we might have gotten lucky with a laid back dog lol :) when we take her to the park it's only about a 1/2 hour of fast paced walking on her part (lots of breaks as I still can't roller blade real good lol) I take Jessie's lead and my boyfriend takes Storm's. I take Jessie because if she get's going too fast I can drop the lead and she doesn't go any where, she stops and looks like "what ma, you're supposed to hold on to that". She doesn't ware out on slower paced walks at all... She does chew a lot on her chew toys and some bones (with supervision). I can tell also that she is learning form Jessie a little bit :)

    I have another question though... How long would/should I wait until I drop the breeder another e-mail or give them a call? Supposedly she's AKC registered and what not but the people said that the breeders wouldn't give them the papers UNTIL they could prove that they had her fixed (I think that they were trying to prevent them from breeding her and making money or something). Is this normal?
  5. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    I would call the breeders asap if you have their number as they may be busy & not check their e-mails often. Let them know you have had her neutered. I haven't heard of breeders holding papers until the dog/bitch was neutered but some may. I got some money back from kaviks breeder when i let them know he had been neutered. she should come out of her self more the longer she has been living with you & maybe get naughtier, test the boundaries so you will need to be firm & let her know who is boss.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2010
  6. BrendaMarie

    BrendaMarie New Member

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    Ok thanks :) I will call her in a few minutes :)
  7. BrendaMarie

    BrendaMarie New Member

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    Ok I called and she sent it into voice mail (it rang twice and then voice mail). I left a message. I also seen that she has a facebook so I added her and I am trying to contact her from there too... I wonder if she thinks that I'm a fake or something because the people who got her from them I don't think have told them yet... I have a feeling that this could be confusing and maybe not so pretty for the previous owners of Storm... Could they press charges for not returning the dog to them? Just wondering...
  8. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    The previous owners have broken a contract with the breeder , not sure what the breeder can do about it as not really into that stuff. Do you not have a kennel affix name where the dog was bought from ?
  9. BrendaMarie

    BrendaMarie New Member

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    Yeah, I think that's what it is... The name that all their dogs have before the unique one?

    I got a hold of the breeder yesterday and we're meeting Monday so she can see Storm and see that she's well taken care of and what not, and so we can see the contract that was broken and sign a new one.

    I guess that the people who gave her to us can face up to a $5000 penalty because of the broken contract.

    She started to explain it to me and said that because of they way the previous owners did things that she can legally take her away from me, but that she probably won't so long as she's taken care of, and she is :)

    I'm just glad that this is all getting taken care of and soon I can rest knowing that all is legal and that my baby will be ours for ever and ever (well the next 15 or so years any way).
  10. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    Yes the 1st name all the dogs have b4 their names on the papers. So glad u managed to get hold of her.
  11. BrendaMarie

    BrendaMarie New Member

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    Me too :) Went to the vet's today, both are heart worm negative and are on preventative :) Storm had her last puppy booster too late so she's getting it done again (just the one) and we have to go back on the first. Storm is also on the skinny side, she eats all that she want's to so the vet gave us a broad de-wormer and we need to bring in a poo for them to test on the first also. Hopefully she's alright, and start's gaining weight soon! the vet said she needs about 5 lbs added on her, so I'm going to start her with canned food mixed with her dry today :)
  12. BrendaMarie

    BrendaMarie New Member

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    I met with the breeder today :) She is vary happy and thankful that Storm fell into our hands, and also thoroughly Pi$$ed at the people that bought Storm from them in the first place. They are going to be brought to court and are being sued for $3000 for breaking the contract and giving her to us non spayed. She said that they are lucky that I contacted them and told her because if I didn't and she found out that Storm was given away she would be suing for $5000 instead.

    We're going to sign a different contract. No money involved, just saying that IF we ever do need to give her up for any reason that we contact the breeder and ether give her back to them OR if we have some one in mind to put them in contact so she can approve of the home.

    All of this could have been avoided if the people we got Storm from had contacted the breeder even saying "Hey I think I found a new home for the dog can you check them out?"

    The breeder is also giving us the choice of changing her registered name to reflect her new "call" name if we want :) I think that that would be cool and I think we're going to do it! Although she's holding the papers and not signing them over for 3 months because IF for some reason we can't keep her it's less paper work :) And after what this dog has been through I don't blame her :)
  13. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    Thats great news Brenda.
  14. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Glad to hear Storm can settle down and have a loving home with you :grin:

    Looking forward to hearing how she is getting on.

    Take care.


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